Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Episode Rankings: Squid Game

Squid Game kinda became more of a phenomenon than a show. When it aired, pretty much everyone was talking about it to the point where you had to see it just to know what the fuss was all about. While it didn't have quite as much horror as I was hoping for, it was definitely unlike anything I've seen especially production-wise. Here's my rankings of the episodes:

  1. Gganbu (S1.06) - The most emotional episode for sure
  2. Red Light, Green Light (S1.01) - Nothing quite reached the heights of that first game
  3. Stick To The Team (S1.04)
  4. VIPS (S1.07) - Sure the VIPs are annoying but I kinda like the game in this one
  5. The Man With The Umbrella (S1.03)
  6. One Lucky Day (S1.09) - Fantastic first half, godawful second half
  7. A Fair World (S1.05)
  8. Hell (S1.02)
  9. Front Man (S1.08) - Why was this episode so short? Combine it with the first half of One Lucky Day and you get the perfect ending

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