Thursday, February 3, 2022

Episode Rankings: Community

Community is my favorite comedy of all time. It's witty, creative, and willing to take push the TV formula into super unique directions. Even with Season 4 being the absolute disgrace that it is, Community at its best is a force to be reckoned with. Here's my ranking of its episodes:

  1. Remedial Chaos Theory (S3.04) - As long as this episode exists, it'll never be the darkest timeline.
  2. Modern Warfare (S1.23) - Honestly one of the best action movies ever made.
  3. Basic Lupine Urology (S3.17) - The start of the finest streak of episodes in any show ever.
  4. Emotional Consequences Of Broadcast Television (S6.13)
  5. A Fistful Of Paintballs (S2.23)
  6. Digital Estate Planning (S3.20)
  7. Paradigms Of Human Memory (S2.21) - They did it, this show solved the clip show problem: Just make the clips original.
  8. Geothermal Escapism (S5.05)
  9. Epidemiology (S2.06) - I don't know who came up with the idea to score this episode with ABBA, but they are a genius.
  10. For A Few Paintballs More (S2.24)
  11. Documentary Filmmaking: Redux (S3.08)
  12. Contemporary American Poultry (S1.21)
  13. Modern Espionage (S6.11)
  14. Curriculum Unavailable (S3.19)
  15. Conspiracy Theories And Interior Design (S2.09)
  16. The First Chang Dynasty (S3.21)
  17. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (S2.14)
  18. Pillows And Blankets (S3.14)
  19. Critical Film Studies (S2.19) - Despite being two completely different films, Pulp Fiction and My Dinner With Andre fit oddly well together
  20. Cooperative Polygraphy (S5.04)
  21. Horror Fiction In Seven Spooky Steps (S3.05)
  22. Pascal's Triangle Revisited (S1.25)
  23. Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking (S2.16)
  24. Cooperative Caligraphy (S2.08)
  25. App Development And Condiments (S5.08)
  26. Wedding Videography (S6.12)
  27. Regional Holiday Music (S3.10)
  28. Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas (S2.11)
  29. Basic Intergluteal Numismatics (S5.03)
  30. Introduction To Finality (S3.22)
  31. Debate 109 (S1.09)
  32. Basic Sandwich (S5.13)
  33. Basic Crisis Room Decorum (S6.03)
  34. Advanced Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (S6.10)
  35. The Science Of Illusion (S1.20)
  36. Basic Rocket Science (S2.04)
  37. Comparative Religion (S1.12)
  38. Foosball And Nocturnal Vigilantism (S3.09)
  39. Intro To Recycled Cinema (S6.08)
  40. Intro To Political Studies (S2.17)
  41. Physical Education (S1.17)
  42. Anthropology 101 (S2.01)
  43. Introduction To Statistics (S1.07)
  44. Studies In Modern Movement (S3.07)
  45. Mixology Certification (S2.10)
  46. English As A Second Language (S1.24)
  47. Basic Story (S5.12)
  48. Course Listing Unavailable (S3.18)
  49. Beginner Pottery (S1.19)
  50. Urban Matrimony And Sandwich Arts (S3.11)
  51. Investigative Journalism (S1.13)
  52. Introduction To Teaching (S5.02)
  53. Applied Anthropology And Culinary Arts (S2.22)
  54. VCR Maintanance And Educational Publishing (S5.09)
  55. Origins Of Vampire Mythology (S3.15)
  56. Spanish 101 (S1.02)
  57. Competitive Ecology (S3.03)
  58. The Psychology Of Letting Go (S2.03)
  59. Romantic Expressionism (S1.15)
  60. Digital Exploration Of Interior Design (S3.13)
  61. Environmental Science (S1.10)
  62. Biology 101 (S3.01)
  63. Lawnmower Maintenance & Postnatal Care (S6.02)
  64. Advanced Documentary Filmmaking (S4.06)
  65. Analysis Of Cork-Based Networking (S5.06)
  66. Asian Population Studies (S2.12)
  67. Social Psychology (S1.04)
  68. Advanced Gay (S3.06)
  69. Basic Genealogy (S1.18)
  70. Repilot (S5.01)
  71. Queer Studies & Advanced Waxing (S6.04)
  72. Early 21st Century Romanticism (S2.15)
  73. Pilot (S1.01)
  74. Accounting For Lawyers (S2.02)
  75. Communication Studies (S1.16)
  76. Introduction To Film (S1.03)
  77. Herstory Of Dance (S4.08)
  78. Home Economics (S1.08)
  79. Basic RV Repair & Palmistry (S6.10)
  80. Geography Of Global Conflict (S3.02)
  81. Messianic Myths And Ancient Peoples (S2.05)
  82. Ladders (S6.01)
  83. Contemporary Impressionists (S3.12)
  84. Virtual Systems Analysis (S3.16) - This episode is simultaneously really really good and really really bad, and I'm not quite sure how to feel about it.
  85. Heroic Origins (S4.07)
  86. Basic Email Security (S6.06)
  87. Politics Of Human Sexuality (S1.11)
  88. Celebrity Pharmacology 212 (S2.13)
  89. Competitive Wine Tasting (S2.20)
  90. History 101 (S4.01)
  91. GI Jeff (S5.11)
  92. Grifting 101 (S6.09) - The fact that I didn't realize this was Matt Berry means his talents were wasted.
  93. Interpretive Dance (S1.14)
  94. Aerodynamics Of Gender (S2.07)
  95. Conventions Of Space And Time (S4.03)
  96. Advanced Criminal Law (S1.05)
  97. Alternative History Of The German Invasion (S4.04)
  98. Bondage And Beta Male-Sexuality (S5.07)
  99. Paranormal Parentage (S4.02)
  100. Custody Law And Eastern European Diplomacy (S2.18)
  101. Advanced Safety Features (S6.07)
  102. Football, Feminism, And You (S1.06)
  103. Law Of Robotics & Party Rights (S6.05)
  104. Economics Of Marine Biology (S4.07)
  105. The Art Of Discourse (S1.22)
  106. Intro To Knots (S4.10)
  107. Cooperative Escapism In Familial Relations (S4.05)
  108. Basic Human Anatomy (S4.11)
  109. Advanced Introduction To Finality (S4.13) - Honestly, I'm glad most of this episode was non-canon. If only that applied to the entire season.
  110. Intro To Felt Surrogacy (S4.09)

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