Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Episode Rankings: She-Ra Princesses Of Power

She-Ra: Princesses Of Power is an amazing show, and probably an ideal one too. Every season improves on the last and the series ends at the perfect place, not too short where all of the characters aren't fleshed out enough, and not too long to the point where it outstays its welcome. I don't need to tell you how great all the LGBT rep in this show is, but it helps that the overarching story is intriguing and well-paced, the characters are rich and complex, and the comedy is just plain fun to watch. And of course, there's the endlessly fascinating Catra, my favorite character of any show ever. If you haven't watched She-Ra, watch it. If you have seen it, watch it again! But for now, here's my ranking of its episodes:

  1. Corridors (S5.03)
  2. Destiny: Part 2 (S4.13)
  3. Heart: Part 2 (S5.13)
  4. Hero (S4.09)
  5. Heart: Part 1 (S5.12)
  6. Destiny: Part 1 (S4.13)
  7. Save The Cat (S5.05)
  8. Promise (S1.11)
  9. Mer Mysteries (S4.07)
  10. Princess Prom (S1.08)
  11. The Portal (S3.06)
  12. Perils Of Peekablue (S5.07)
  13. Moment Of Truth (S3.04)
  14. Roll With It (S2.04)
  15. No Princess Left Behind (S1.09)
  16. Fractures (S4.10)
  17. Failsafe (S5.11)
  18. Shot In The Dark (S5.08)
  19. Princess Scorpia (S4.06)
  20. Light Spinner (S2.06)
  21. Return To The Fright Zone (S5.10)
  22. Battle For Bright Moon (S1.13)
  23. Launch (S5.02)
  24. The Price Of Power (S3.01)
  25. Taking Control (S5.06)
  26. White Out (S2.05)
  27. Beacon (S1.10)
  28. Once Upon A Time In The Waste (S3.03)
  29. The Sea Gate (S1.05)
  30. The Coronation (S4.01)
  31. Reunion (S2.07)
  32. Protocol (S4.05)
  33. The Sword: Part 2 (S1.02)
  34. Remember (S3.05)
  35. Horde Prime (S5.01)
  36. Ties That Bind (S2.02)
  37. System Update (S1.06)
  38. Beast Island (S4.11)
  39. Light Hope (S1.12)
  40. Stranded (S5.04)
  41. Pulse (S4.04)
  42. The Sword: Part 1 (S1.01)
  43. An Ill Wind (S5.09)
  44. The Valley Of The Lost (S4.02)
  45. Razz (S1.03)
  46. Huntara (S3.02)
  47. The Frozen Forest (S2.01)
  48. Flutterina (S4.03)
  49. In The Shadows Of Mystacor (S1.07)
  50. Signals (S2.03)
  51. Flowers For She-Ra (S1.04)
  52. Boys Night Out (S4.08)

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