Friday, June 17, 2022

Episode Rankings: Pushing Daisies

Pushing Daisies is pretty infamous as one of those shows, that ended way too early and wasn't given the chance it deserved. I have my problems with the show (exhausting secret plots, writing style gets exhausting), but Pushing Daisies is also such a unique and one-of-a-kind show that I would've loved to see it develop over the course of more than two extremely truncated seasons. Here's my ranking of its episodes:

  1. Comfort Food (S2.08)
  2. Pie-lette (S1.01)
  3. The Norwegians (S2.10)
  4. Bitter Sweets (S1.08)
  5. Kerplunk (S2.13)
  6. Bzzzzzzz! (S2.01)
  7. Smell Of Success (S1.07)
  8. Dummy (S1.02)
  9. Oh Oh Oh... It's Magic (S2.06)
  10. Window Dressed To Kill (S2.11)
  11. Bitter Sweets (S1.08)
  12. Bad Habits (S2.03)
  13. The Fun In Funeral (S1.03)
  14. Water & Power (S2.12)
  15. Girth (S1.05)
  16. The Legend Of Merle McQuoddy (S2.09)
  17. Frescorts (S2.04)
  18. Pigeon (S1.04)
  19. Circus, Circus (S2.02)
  20. Robbing Hood (S2.07)
  21. Bitches (S1.06)
  22. Dim Sum Lose Some (S2.05)

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