Seinfeld is a show about nothing. It's also a show about everything. Poking fun at social conventions and human nature, tackling pretty much any topic in the most flippant of ways, and completely destroying your expectations of what a sitcom can and should be. You've probably already seen Seinfeld and have its conversational cadence of its characters seared into your brain, but if you haven't yet, you're in for a funny, weird, and ground-breaking sitcom. Here's my ranking of its episodes:
- The Chinese Restaraunt (S2.11)
- The Soup Nazi (S7.06)
- The Betrayal (S9.08)
- The Opposite (S5.21)
- The Invitations (S7.22) - Utterly genius
- The Marine Biologist (S5.14)
- The Pilot: Part 2 (S4.24)
- The Hamptons (S5.20)
- The Merv Griffin Show (S9.06)
- The Yada Yada (S8.19)
- The Pitch (S4.03)
- The Outing (S4.17)
- The Chicken Roaster (S8.08)
- The Ticket (S4.04)
- The Parking Garage (S3.06)
- The Puffy Shirt (S5.02)
- The Bizarro Jerry (S8.03)
- The Caddy (S7.12)
- The Pilot: Part 1 (S4.23)
- The Serenity Now (S9.03)
- The Opera (S4.09)
- The Abstinance (S8.09)
- The Race (S6.10)
- The Boyfriend: Part 2 (S3.18)
- The Airport (S4.12)
- The Dinner Party (S5.13)
- The Little Kicks (S8.04)
- The Dealership (S9.11)
- The Jimmy (S6.18)
- The Bottle Deposit (S7.20)
- The Pie (S5.15)
- The Implant (S4.19)
- The Package (S8.05)
- The Cafe (S3.07)
- The Lip Reader (S5.06)
- The Muffin Tops (S8.21)
- The Parking Space (S3.22)
- The Cadillac (S7.14)
- The Fire (S5.19)
- The Red Dot (S3.12)
- The Movie (S4.14)
- The Soul-Mate (S8.02)
- The Maestro (S7.03)
- The Switch (S6.11)
- The Summer Of George (S8.22)
- The Boyfriend: Part 1 (S3.17)
- The Revenge (S2.07)
- The Engagement (S7.01)
- The Diplomat's Club (S6.21)
- The Van Buren Boys (S8.14)
- The Calzone (S7.19)
- The Wallet (S4.05)
- The Tape (S3.08)
- The Secret Code (S7.07)
- The Glasses (S5.03)
- The Fatigues (S8.06)
- The Rye (S7.11)
- The Strike (S9.10)
- The Cheever Letters (S4.08)
- The Foundation (S8.01)
- The Postponement (S7.02)
- The Cigar Store Indian (S5.10)
- The Millenium (S8.20)
- The Wait Out (S7.21)
- The Fix Up (S3.16)
- The Label Maker (S6.12)
- The Statue (S2.06)
- The Raincoats (S5.18)
- The Comeback (S8.13)
- The Pledge Drive (S6.03)
- The Bookstore (S9.17)
- The Library (S3.05)
- The Junior Mint (S4.20)
- The Keys (S3.23)
- The Watch (S4.06)
- The Soup (S6.07)
- The Barber (S5.08)
- The Alternate Side (S3.11)
- The Nap (S8.13)
- The Doodle (S6.19)
- The Little Jerry (S8.11)
- The Burning (S9.16)
- The English Patient (S8.17) - The episode itself is fine but I think it's one of the best-aged in the whole show
- The Deal (S2.09)
- The Bubble Boy (S4.07)
- The Fusilli Jerry (S6.20)
- The Andrea Doria (S8.10)
- The Butter Shave (S9.01)
- The Nose Job (S3.09)
- The Shower Head (S7.15)
- The Shoes (S4.16)
- The Reverse Peephole (S9.12)
- The Chinese Woman (S6.04)
- The Stall (S5.12)
- The Wink (S7.04)
- The Scofflaw (S6.13)
- The Subway (S3.13)
- The Frogger (S9.18) - The last truly great episode of Seinfeld
- The Jacket (S2.03)
- The Truth (S3.02)
- The Face Painter (S6.22)
- The Non-Fat Yogurt (S5.07)
- The Doll (S7.16)
- The Chaperone (S6.01)
- The Pothole (S8.16)
- The Pick (S4.13)
- The Slicer (S9.07)
- The Kiss Hello (S6.16)
- The Pool Guy (S7.0 8)
- The Checks (S8.07)
- The Conversion (S5.11)
- The Smelly Car (S4.21)
- The Letter (S3.21)
- The Chronicle (S9.21) - I don't care if it's a clip show! That final montage still gives me the feels!
- The Beard (S6.15)
- The Stand In (S5.16)
- The Visa (S4.15)
- The Apartment (S2.05)
- The Voice (S9.02)
- The Hot Tub (S7.05)
- The Big Salad (S6.02)
- The Virgin (S4.10)
- The Money (S8.12)
- The Sponge (S7.09)
- The Wizard (S9.15)
- The Sniffing Accountant (S5.04)
- The Mom And Pop Star (S6.08)
- The Pez Dispenser (S3.14)
- The Understudy (S6.23)
- The Good Samaritan (S3.20)
- The Susie (S8.15)
- The Wife (S5.17)
- The Gum (S7.10)
- The Phone Massage (S2.04)
- The Masseuse (S5.09)
- The Trip: Part 2 (S4.02)
- The Secretary (S6.09)
- The Suicide (S3.15)
- The Friar's Club (S7.17)
- The Couch (S6.05)
- The Ex-Girlfriend (S2.01)
- The Seven (S7.13)
- The Mango (S5.01)
- The Limo (S3.19)
- The Contest (S4.11) - Sorry, but I stand by my claim that this episode hasn't aged well
- The Note (S3.01)
- The Gymnast (S6.06)
- The Wig Master (S7.18)
- The Doorman (S6.17)
- The Handicap Spot (S4.22)
- The Stock Trip (S1.04)
- The Maid (S9.19)
- The Trip: Part 1 (S4.01)
- The Robbery (S1.02)
- The Blood (S9.04)
- The Pony Remark (S2.02)
- The Old Man (S4.18)
- The Strongbox (S9.14)
- The Stranded (S3.10)
- The Stakeout (S1.01)
- The Junk Mail (S9.05)
- The Busboy (S2.12)
- The Bris (S5.05)
- The Apology (S9.09)
- The Pen (S3.03)
- The Baby Shower (S2.10)
- The Cartoon (S9.130
- Male Unboarding (S1.03)
- The Heart Attack (S2.08)
- Highlights Of A Hundred (S6.14)
- The Dog (S3.04)
- The Puerto-Rican Day (S9.20)
- The Finale (S9.22) - Worst (intended) series finale ever
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