Saturday, August 13, 2022

Star Trek: Overall Rankings

Now that I'm done with my Star Trek marathon, I wanted to give my overall opinions on the Star Trek series. I did also try Voyager, but I couldn't get into it and watching it felt like a slog, so I quit it around Season 4 (the Year Of Hell reset button was the final straw for me). The shows moving over to Paramount+ was the final nail in the coffin, so I decided to end things with Deep Space Nine. I do these reviews for fun, so I'm not going to push myself to watch things I don't enjoy, I already made that mistake with Dark. Besides, Deep Space Nine is awesome, so ending it there would mean I end things on a high note.

Here are my rankings of the individual series:

  1. Deep Space Nine
    • While flawed at points, DS9 is easily the most consistently strong Trek series, with a great balance of serialization and standalone episodes, a complex cast of characters, fantastic twists, and an amazing storyline in the Dominion war.
  2. The Original Series Films (I-VI)
    • With the exception of TFF, these films were fantastic and varied. They flesh out the Original Series cast, boast amazing effects, and have a sense of scale and gravitas (TVH excluded) that helped them leave a really big impact on me.
  3. The Next Generation
    • The character work, consistency, and writing is a vast improvement over TOS, and Seasons 3-6 are fantastic, but the executive meddling really shows at times and the campy and poorly-aged elements feel more egregious given when it aired.
  4. The Kelvin Timeline Films (09-Beyond)
    • These films feel more like standard blockbusters at times, but the rebooted cast is great, the action is fantastic, and Beyond is still one of my favorite Star Trek films. These are all good films, whether or not they are good Trek films is up to debate.
  5. The Original Series
    • At its best, TOS is a groundbreaking and ambitious classic with some truly fantastic episodes of television. At its worst, TOS is campy, it poorly aged, it neglected its cast, and its budget issues in the second half showed.
  6. The Next Generation Films
    • First Contact was fantastic, one of the best Trek films ever. Generations, Nemesis, and Insurrection on the other hand were flawed, and these films lacked the sense of identity that the Original Series films had.
  7. Voyager (at least what I've seen of it)
    • While I liked some of the characters (Janeway, Seven, Doctor) and there were some alright episodes (Tuvix was solid), Voyager just felt so watered down. It continuously failed to live up to its potential and settled for just being mediocre, culminating in the stupid decision to compress what seemed like an awesome seasonal arc into a non-canon two-parter.

Here's my ranking of each individual Star Trek season:

  1. Deep Space Nine: Season 6 (5/5)
  2. Deep Space Nine: Season 4 (5/5)
  3. The Next Generation: Season 3 (5/5)
  4. The Next Generation: Season 6 (4/5)
  5. Deep Space Nine: Season 5 (4/5)
  6. The Original Series: Season 1 (4/5)
  7. The Next Generation: Season 4 (4/5)
  8. Deep Space Nine: Season 3 (4/5)
  9. The Original Series: Season 2 (3/5)
  10. The Next Generation: Season 5 (3/5)
  11. Deep Space Nine: Season 7 (3/5)
  12. Deep Space Nine: Season 2 (3/5)
  13. Deep Space Nine: Season 1 (3/5)
  14. The Next Generation: Season 7 (2/5)
  15. The Next Generation: Season 2 (2/5)
  16. The Next Generation: Season 1 (1/5)
  17. The Original Series: Season 3 (1/5)

Here's my ranking of all the Star Trek finales:

  1. The Best Of Both Worlds (TNG: Season 3)
  2. Call To Arms (DS9: Season 5)
  3. Redemption (TNG: Season 4)
  4. What You Leave Behind (DS9: Season 7)
  5. In The Hands Of The Prophets (DS9: Season 1)
  6. Tears Of The Prophets (DS9: Season 6)
  7. All Good Things (TNG: Season 7)
  8. The Jem'Hadar (DS9: Season 2)
  9. Broken Link (DS9: Season 4)
  10. Descent (TNG: Season 6)
  11. The Adversary (DS9: Season 3)
  12. Time's Arrow (TNG: Season 5)
  13. The Neutral Zone (TNG: Season 1)
  14. Operation: Annihilate! (TOS: Season 1)
  15. Assignment: Earth (TOS: Season 2)
  16. Turnabout Intruder (TOS: Season 3)
  17. Shades Of Grey (TNG: Season 2)
Here's my Top 10 episodes in the whole franchise:
  1. In The Pale Moonlight (DS9)
  2. The Trouble With Tribbles (TOS)
  3. Far Beyond The Stars (DS9)
  4. Lower Decks (TNG)
  5. The Doomsday Machine (TOS)
  6. Trials And Tribble-ations (DS9)
  7. Darmok (TNG)
  8. Sacrifice Of Angels (DS9)
  9. The Best Of Both Worlds (TNG)
  10. Duet (DS9)
And my Top 10 least favorite episodes in the franchise:
  1. Shades Of Grey (TNG)
  2. Turnabout Invader (TOS)
  3. Threshold (VOY) - I saw it, and it was just as bad as I feared it would be
  4. Code Of Honor (TNG)
  5. The Way To Eden (TOS)
  6. Profit And Lace (DS9)
  7. The Paradise Syndrome (TOS)
  8. The Outcast (TNG)
  9. Sub Rosa (TNG)
  10. The Omega Glory (TOS)
And for fun, my Top 10 species:
  1. Cardassians
  2. Klingons
  3. Trill
  4. Vulcans
  5. Tribbles
  6. Borg
  7. Romulans
  8. Changelings
  9. Vidiians
  10. Tholians

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