Thursday, March 4, 2021

Parks And Rec (Season 3)

After Season 2 helped fix most of Parks And Recreation's crippling flaws, it was time for Season 3 to show just how good this series could get. Despite a shortened length due to the writer's strike, Parks And Rec's third season is one of the funniest sitcom seasons ever produced.

Parks And Rec's third season introduces the arc-based structure that the series would end up following for pretty much the rest of its runtime. The first half of Season 3 is built around the Parks and Rec department coming back together and trying to hold a harvest festival to restore their budget. The second half of the season doesn't have a story arc, but it's packed with a ton of incredibly funny episodes to make up for that. I like the harvest festival arc, though it's not my favorite in the show, it does a good job of forcing the cast to work together on a big project. This season also does a great job of fleshing out Ben and making him one of my favorite characters. Back in Season 2, he just seemed like an obstructive bureaucrat, but in this season, he slowly starts to gain respect for Leslie, only to develop feelings for her. He also gets a lot more comedic moments that allow him to goof off a bit. I also think the budding romance between Andy and April is incredibly sweet, as is their sudden wedding, along with Ann getting job at the Parks department near the end of the season.

But while I do enjoy a lot of the storylines and character work, Season 3 really shines in terms of the comedy. Overall, this season is an absolute riot from start to finish. There are so many hilarious and memorable episodes that utilize the entire cast, and both the writing and the performances manage to come together to form some iconic moments. For example, Chris getting sick, Ron getting himself arrested, Tom accidentally matching with Leslie, the Snakejuice scene, and so much more. I also admire that this show is willing to have episodes where not too much happens outside of the characters getting a chance to spend time together, like Fancy Party and The Fight. The cast is so naturally entertaining and funny that I could watch thirty minutes of them just casually hanging out at work, and it would probably be one of my favorite episodes of the show. I also think it's interesting that Parks And Rec has pretty much entirely dropped the inspiration that it took from The Office. There's still a handheld camera but it's nowhere near as prevalent, nor are the talking heads or darker tone. Instead, Parks And Rec maintains what made last season so good, the fact that the characters actually like each other. Despite the more light-hearted tone, however, storylines like the harvest festival and Leslie's feelings for Ben still manage to give the show a compelling conflict anyway.

There are so many amazing episodes this season and I had a bit of a tough time narrowing it down, so here's my massive list of highlights:

Flu Season: While I don't think this is one of the show's best episodes like a lot of people do, Flu Season is still an incredibly fun time that takes a simple premise and wrings a ton of comedy out of it. There are so many iconic moments and performances here, along with some great character development from Ben.

Ron And Tammy II: I adore all of the "Ron And ____" episodes, but this one just might be the absolute best. Tammy is at her most hilarious, manipulative, and cartoonish here, especially the part where she gets Ron arrested. Ron with cornrows and his mustache screwed up is a picture I will never be able to unsee. I also like how this episode gives new meaning to the fact that librarians suck in this show.

Harvest Festival: This climactic resolution to the initial arc is honestly kind of tough to watch at times given just how much goes wrong for the characters for most of the episode. However, the curse premise is still really funny, the whole cast gets a chance to shine as they prepare the festival, and the heartwarming resolution is incredibly satisfying.

Fancy Party: There isn't much of a plot to this episode, it's mostly just about April and Ann secretly holding a wedding disguised as a party. The only real conflict is Leslie's fear that they're rushing things, but it gets resolved quick. But despite all that, this is one of my favorite episodes of the show. Without a silly plot in the way, Fancy Party is just an endless series of cute character interactions, great comedic gags, and moments so heartwarming it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's easily one of the coziest episodes of television ever made and a great watch if I'm ever feeling down.

Soulmates: This episode is absolutely hysterical from start to finish. The storyline about Tom accidentally matching with Leslie on a dating site is just so funny, and Aziz Ansari gave one of his funniest performances in the show. I'm also a big fan of Ron and Chris's vegan vs meat storyline, I think it's really cute.

The Fight: This is easily one of the show's funniest episodes and is packed with Parks And Rec's most iconic gags (Janet Snakehole, the coffee scene, Jan Cooper). It's storyline about Ann deciding whether or not to get a job is solid on its own, but it's the fact that this episode is a relentless flurry of jokes that all manage to hit that really makes it memorable for me. And that's not to mention the Snakejuice scene where everyone gets drunk, which is probably the funniest moment of the show.

Lil Sebastian: As I mentioned before, Parks And Rec nails its season enders, even in a truncated season like this one. The event held for Lil Sebastian's death is a perfect blend of heart and humor, and we get the show's most iconic song, 5000 Candles In The Wind. I also think compared to most of the show's finales, Lil Sebastian perfectly balances plot progression and comedy. Aside from just being a genuinely funny episode, the hooks for next season are exciting, from Tom's new entertainment company, to Leslie running for city council, to the prospect of finally meeting Tammy I. It's a truly amazing final episode for a truly amazing season.

Overall, Parks And Rec's third season is probably the peak of the series. It has some entertaining storylines, amazing comedy, and tons of memorable episodes, utilizing the entire cast to its absolute fullest.

5/5 Stars

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