Sunday, October 22, 2023

I'm Taking A Break From TV Reviews

This was probably a long time coming, but I feel like I've been getting really burnt out on TV and it shows in my reviews. Not only have I been putting out increasingly less reviews of TV seasons, but I've been dropping shows more often and the reviews I do put out feel more and more rushed, as I keep tossing out the same criticism about current seasons being too short and serialized. I just haven't been as engaged with TV shows as much as lately, and I've been dreading reviewing them all the more, which is kind of a problem when this site is supposed to be a fun, personal project for me. So, I'm taking a break from those, at least for now while I get over my burnout.

Thankfully, Simplest Reviews isn't just a review blog for TV shows, it's a blog where I can write freely about all my interests, and currently I'm just more interested in video games right now. Obviously I'll continue to put out Top 100 Games posts, but I also think I generally want to focus more on video games overall, with more game reviews and posts based on game design. Thanks for understanding.

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