Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Episode Rankings: Leverage

Leverage is a fun-as-hell show about a group of criminals stealing from the rich in a series of increasingly varied and inventive heists, with a (mostly) lovable cast and a great sense of style. If that sentence doesn't sell you on the show, I don't know what will. Here's my ranking of its episodes:

  1. The Rashomon Job (S3.11)
  2. The Studio Job (S3.06)
  3. The Last Dam Job (S4.18)
  4. The Rundown Job (S5.09)
  5. The Queen's Gambit Job (S4.10)
  6. The Long Good-Bye Job (S5.15)
  7. The Two Live Crew Job (S2.07)
  8. The First David Job (S1.12)
  9. The Big Bang Job (S3.15)
  10. The Broken Wing Job (S5.08)
  11. The Radio Job (S4.17)
  12. The Second David Job (S1.13)
  13. The Morning After Job (S3.13)
  14. The Bottle Job (S2.11)
  15. The Frame-Up Job (S5.10)
  16. The Girl's Night Out Job (S4.13)
  17. The Office Job (S4.12)
  18. The Inside Job (S3.03)
  19. The Stork Job (S1.09)
  20. The First Contact Job (S5.03)
  21. The Maltese Falcon Job (S2.15)
  22. The Nigerian Job (S1.01)
  23. The Carnival Job (S4.06)
  24. The San Lorenzo Job (S3.16)
  25. The Bank Shot Job (S1.08)
  26. The Boy's Night Out Job (S4.14)
  27. The Ho Ho Ho Job (S3.14)
  28. The Zanzibar Marketplace Job (S2.12)
  29. The Jailhouse Job (S3.01)
  30. The Van Gogh Job (S4.04)
  31. The Three Strikes Job (S2.14)
  32. The DB Cooper Job (S5.06)
  33. The Juror #6 Job (S1.10)
  34. The French Connection Job (S5.04)
  35. The Experimental Job (S4.11)
  36. The Mile High Job (S1.05)
  37. The Three Card Monte Job (S3.09)
  38. The Lost Heir Job (S2.09)
  39. The (Very) Big Bird Job (S5.01)
  40. The Grave Danger Job (S4.07)
  41. The Beantown Bailout Job (S2.01)
  42. The Wedding Job (S1.03)
  43. The Low Low Price Job (S5.11)
  44. The 10 Li'l Grifters Job (S4.02)
  45. The Scheherazade Job (S3.04)
  46. The Future Job (S2.13)
  47. The Hot Potato Job (S4.05)
  48. The King George Job (S3.12)
  49. The Gold Job (S4.16)
  50. The Toy Job (S5.14)
  51. The Fairy Godparents Job (S2.04)
  52. The Long Way Down Job (S4.01)
  53. The 12-Step Job (S1.11)
  54. The Gone Fishin' Job (S3.07)
  55. The Real Fake Car Job (S5.07)
  56. The Boiler Room Job (S4.08)
  57. The Homecoming Job (S1.02)
  58. The Reunion Job (S3.02)
  59. The Ice Man Job (S2.08)
  60. The Runaway Job (S2.10)
  61. The Two-Horse Job (S1.07)
  62. The Blue Line Job (S5.02)
  63. The Double Blind Job (S3.05)
  64. The Order 23 Job (S2.03)
  65. The Lonely Hearts Job (S4.15)
  66. The Boost Job (S3.08)
  67. The Three Days Of The Hunter Job (S2.05)
  68. The Gimme A K Street Job (S5.05)
  69. The Cross My Heart Job (S4.09)
  70. The Underground Job (S3.10)
  71. The Snow Job (S1.04)
  72. The Tap-Out Job (S2.02)
  73. The Corkscrew Job (S5.13)
  74. The Top Hat Job (S2.06)
  75. The Miracle Job (S1.06)
  76. The 15 Minutes Job (S4.03)
  77. The White Rabbit Job (S5.12)

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