Sunday, January 10, 2021

Top 25 Movies

While this website is mostly going to be about TV shows, I am also a massive fan of movies, so here's my list of my Top 25 favorite movies of all time. Each of these movies will have a link to a review that explains why I think they're so great!

  1. Jurassic Park
  2. Empire Strikes Back
  3. Raiders Of The Lost Ark
  4. The Matrix
  5. Wall-E
  6. Die Hard
  7. Spider Man 2
  8. Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers
  9. Hellboy II: The Golden Army
  10. A Silent Voice
  11. Pulp Fiction
  12. T2: Judgement Day
  13. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  14. Princess Mononoke
  15. Blade Runner 2049
  16. Scott Pilgrim Vs The World
  17. Toy Story 2
  18. Inception
  19. Hugo
  20. Galaxy Quest
  21. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
  22. Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
  23. The Bourne Ultimatum
  24. Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair
  25. The Princess Bride

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