
Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Office (UK): The Whole Series

The original UK version of The Office went in a far different and darker direction than its US successor, managing to carve a name for itself with its uncompromising bleakness and brutality, while still being incredibly hilarious at times.

Just like the US version, The Office has a main cast of four: The boss David Brent, the suck-up Gareth, the secretary Dawn, and Tim who hates his job and has a crush on Dawn. The first season is about David Brent facing redundancies and being forced to fire someone, while the second season introduces a merger that culminates in Brent being fired himself and Tim being rejected by Dawn. There's also a Christmas special that actually ends the series on a happier note, while still being fairly true to the characters.

In general, this series has a darker and more grounded tone. The characters are jerks, and rarely have good things happen to them. Brent doesn't have as many sympathetic qualities as Michael Scott, he's just a genuinely incompetent boss. You may think that this makes the show too bleak to watch, but Ricky Gervais manages to imbue the show with just enough levity and comedy to make it worth watching anyway. The cringe comedy is absolutely hard to watch at times, but it can be funny to see just how deep a hole Brent digs himself into every episode. My biggest gripe with the series is how short it was, as it isn't able to flesh out the characters as much as the US version, but I still think it differentiates itself enough from said US version to make it worth watching nonetheless.

And despite its only 14 episodes, The Office UK has a bunch of particularly notable ones:

Training: Easily the most iconic episode of the show. David Brent trying to upstage the training seminar is probably the best instance of cringe comedy in the series, as the sheer lengths he goes to do so are just hilarious to watch. Tim and Dawn also have a strong subplot that brings their relationship to the forefront.

Interview: A heartbreaking finale for the series that's excellent for just how grim it is, while still feeling like a necessary part of the story. Brent begging for his job is brutal and hard to watch for sure, but you can't say that he didn't deserve it at least a bit. Similarly, Tim's rejection from Dawn was perfectly executed and probably the best scene in the whole show.

Christmas Special: Personally, I don't think this episode should have been a two-parter, but it does a great job of giving all of the characters the ending they deserve. Tim and Dawn finally end up together, and Brent finally ends up with someone. It may be a bit too happy for the show, but it's also incredibly satisfying. Easily one of the best Christmas specials ever made.

The UK version of The Office lacks the depth and high points of the US version, but its bleak tone helps its differentiate itself, along with a strong cast and some of the best cringe comedy ever written.

4/5 Stars

Favorite Episode: Interview

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