
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Spaced: The Whole Series

Spaced was Edgar Wright's claim to fame, and it was an excellent first impression. It may have had a bit of a slow start in Season 1, but at its peak, Spaced was uniquely edited, smartly written, and incredibly genuine.

Spaced has a simple but funny premise. Tim and Daisy, despite just meeting, decide to pretend to be a couple so they can rent a cheap flat. Both Tim and Daisy are great characters, well-acted and with strong motivations. They have a great chemistry with each other that makes you root for them to be together, and the rest of the cast is also a lot of fun to watch. By the end of the show, you really get the feeling that everyone in the show's cast are great friends.

Spaced is packed to the brim with pop culture references, far before this type of humor was even popular. And despite many shows nowadays that try and fail to incorporate pop culture, Spaced does it flawlessly, and you need a genuine understanding of where these references come from to understand some of the jokes. There's also a lot of Edgar Wright's unique style of editing that really comes into its own in the second season, which allows for tons of hilarious and creative sequences that feel unlike any other sitcom. Despite the wackiness and pop culture references, however, Spaced is grounded by the genuine chemistry between all of the characters, which allows for some emotional moments near the season's end.

However, I think Spaced did have a fairly slow start, especially in Season 1. It took a while for the show to find its footing and you could tell that Edgar Wright was limiting himself that season. There were also a few jokes that didn't age the best, and I think the show ended just as it was getting genuinely amazing. I think a third season could have explored all of the potential Spaced had, but as a result, it ended up being an above average comedy with a strong second season.

There were also a bunch of strong episodes in Spaced, especially in Season 2:

Ends: A satisfying finale for Season 1 that wrapped everything up fairly well. I especially liked the verbal argument between Tim and Daisy that intercut with Mortal Kombat footage.

Help: An absolutely madcap and fast-paced episode of the series that showed Spaced at its absolute best. There were a whole bunch of entertaining plot threads that weaved in and out as Tim tried to retrieve his drawing, packing in tons of humor and giving the whole cast a chance to shine.

Gone: The most iconic episode of the show, Gone is one of the most unique and inventive episodes of TV pretty much ever. The simple premise of Tim and Daisy trying to get home was mined for so much comedic potential, culminating in that glorious finger gun sequence. The whole episode feels like a predecessor for Shaun Of The Dead.

Leaves: A heartwarming and sweet ending for the show that wraps everything up really well. Everyone gets a satisfying and well-deserved resolution, and the final scene leaves Tim and Daisy's relationship off on an ambiguous note. Did they end up together? I like to think they did.

Overall, Spaced ended up being an incredibly unique and inventive comedy with strong humor, a likable cast, and a lot of humor. You'd just need to get through that slow initial season first.

Season 1: 2/5 Stars

Season 2: 5/5 Stars

3.5/5 Stars

Favorite Episode: Help

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