
Sunday, February 25, 2024

Mega Man Music Reviews: Mega Man 3

Mega Man 3 is my favorite classic Mega Man game, and it might also have the best classic Mega Man soundtrack. I said might because I go back and forth between MM3 and a later undisclosed entry, but that doesn't change the fact that this soundtrack is incredible and blows MM2's out of the water in my opinion. It's darker, more complex and melancholic, while still keep the same rocking energy that defines the series' music. The composers are Harumi and Yasuaki Fujita, both of whom are very prolific Capcom composers with one hell of a resume, including Final Fight, Pulstar, Blazing Star, Darkwing Duck, Breath Of Fire, Bionic Commando, and Strider between the two. So it should not come as much of surprise that they know their stuff.

Mega Man 3

Title Screen
The best title theme in the entire series, hands down. That melancholic blues intro hits every single time, and the heroic and energetic main melody never fails to get you excited for the game ahead. I know MM2's main theme is inarguably the most iconic classic Mega Man theme, but this is the one I feel most definitively fits the character.
5/5 Stars

This theme is way too cheery to be in Mega Man 3, or even a Mega Man game in general. This is definitely one of the weaker password themes sadly, and yet it still only gets worse from here.
2/5 Stars

Stage Select
Thankfully, the stage select is a return to form. Like most of the soundtrack, it has a dramatic, heroic feel to it, along with a solid rhythm as well. It may still be short, but it's definitely one of my favorite stage select themes in the series.
4/5 Stars

Needle Man
Needle Man's theme is a pretty neat change of pace compared to the previous Robot Master themes we've gotten so far. It's a lot more downbeat and melancholic, but I still think it's really good. This is easily one of the longest tracks we've gotten in the series to date, and the powerful chorus ends Needle Man's theme on a strong final note.
5/5 Stars

Magnet Man
Magnet Man definitely has the happiest Robot Master theme in the game. The verse is solidly fun on its own, but the cheerful and melodic chorus really makes this track.
4/5 Stars

Gemini Man
Gemini Man's theme is weird in all the best ways. It goes in so many different directions, between the groovy riff, the catchy main melody, and the eerie Arabic-sounding sustained notes in the second half. It perfectly fits Gemini Man's eclectic stage while being a real banger on its own.
5/5 Stars

Hard Man
In a shamelessly dramatic soundtrack, Hard Man's theme feels particularly dramatic. Between the heavy verse and heroic chorus, this theme sounds incredibly epic, even if I'm not really sure how it fits Hard Man as a character.
5/5 Stars

Top Man
Top Man's theme is still really fun, but it's probably my least favorite Robot Master theme. It's got a nice rhythmic feel and a groovy main melody in the verse, even if it can sometimes sound like the track itself is lagging behind a bit.
4/5 Stars

Snake Man
Easily one of my favorite themes in the entire franchise. It might even be my favorite Classic theme straight-up, it's just so, for lack of a better word, epic. Every track in Mega Man 3 (barring the password theme) sounds intense and dramatic, employing minor keys, complex countermelodies, and heroic choruses to really make you feel like the fate of the world rests in your hands. Snake Man is the perfect encapsulation of all that, it has everything. A groovy riff, a tense verse, a grandiose prechorus, and a beautiful chorus that toes the line between melancholic and heroic.
5/5 Stars

Spark Man
Spark Man's theme is also pretty fantastic. The entire track has such an intense feel to it, from that phenomenal intro, to the punchy notes in the verse, to the... yet again... dramatic chorus. This is one of the more iconic Mega Man tracks and that's absolutely warranted, it's really great.
5/5 Stars

Shadow Man
Shadow Man's theme is one of the lighter tracks in the game, going for a groovy rock vibe. It has a bit of a build-up, but each section of the track amps up the amount of instruments and the complexity of each instrument, culminating a fantastic show-stopping chorus.
4/5 Stars

Boss Battle
Now this is a boss theme. It's so frantic and tense! Seriously, I don't know how many times I can keep restating how dramatic this soundtrack is, because this is easily one of the most urgent-sounding boss themes in the series.
4/5 Stars

Weapon Upgrade
Even the weapon upgrade theme in this game is epic! It's also quite long too, even having a solid second part that brings the theme to a powerful climax.
4/5 Stars

Dr Wily's Castle 1
While not as crazy as MM2's Wily Castle 1, this is still a really solid track on its own merits, with a lot of moving parts to it. The melancholic main melody juxtaposes the incredibly bouncy riff really well, as there's some nice guitar-solo-sounding bits later on in the track too.
4/5 Stars

Dr Wily's Castle Boss
Nice to see another Wily Boss theme after MM2 didn't have one. It doesn't top the Yellow Devil, but the frenetic arpeggios still make for a solidly tense boss theme.
3/5 Stars

Dr Wily's Castle 2
Unlike the previous game, I actually think the second Wily Castle theme is way better than the first! Like in MM2, it's a lot more atmospheric, but it makes up for that by just being ridiculously moody and dark. The main melody is so somber and grippingly melancholic, and really makes you feel like you're at the end of the game. It's a bit too short to stack up to MM2's Wily Castle 1, but it's still pretty close behind.
5/5 Stars

Dr Wily's Castle 3
This is a slow, heavy remix of the Wily Boss theme and it's solid. It sets the mood pretty effectively and certainly sounds better than some of the previous atmospheric Wily Castle themes, but it's still easily the weakest level theme in MM3 and it's not even close.
3/5 Stars

Proto Man's Theme/Epilogue
Despite the somewhat ear-piercing sound used for Proto Man's Whistle, I still love his theme, especially when it gets extended for the epilogue. It's a somber, chill blues piece that perfectly sets the stage and tone for the game's big plot twist.
4/5 Stars

Staff Roll
Unfortunately, I don't love MM3's staff roll theme. It's a solid tropical-sounding track on its own, but like with the password theme, it clashes with the rest of the soundtrack pretty harshly.
3/5 Stars

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