
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Episode Rankings: Arcane

As a small bonus for every show, I decided that I'm going to rank every single episode of every show I've seen and reviewed on this blog, starting with Arcane, which is short but absolutely fantastic. I won't be able to write episode descriptions for the longer or more serialized shows, but I wanted to do so for Arcane because pretty much every episode is fantastic. I'll keep adding to the rankings for shows that end up getting more episodes, so definitely be sure to check back once Season 2 airs:

  1. The Base Violence Necessary For Change (S1.03) - Three episodes in and we get one of the most screwed up bloodbaths I've ever seen in a TV show. So many deaths, so many cliffhangers, and it had me absolutely hooked.
  2. The Monster You Created (S1.09) - Great finale with a nail-biting final ten minutes that left me screaming at the screen once it ended.
  3. Oil And Water (S1.08) - Very eventful episode, with Caitlyn and Vi's "breakup", Vi and Jayce getting a fight, Heimerdinger getting some big development, and a dark cliffhanger.
  4. Finally merges the two major storylines with Vi and Jayce getting a lot of screentime together, as well as a fantastic fight.
  5. When These Walls Come Tumbling Down (S1.06) - Great development for Caitlyn, shocking final few minutes, and a great end to Arc 2.
  6. The Boy Savior (S1.07) - Mostly a decent episode but that bridge scene is an absolute masterpiece.
  7. Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved (S1.02) - Introduces the second major storyline with Jayce, Viktor, and the council. The trial scene is fantastic.
  8. Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy (S1.05) - Vi and Caitlyn are adorable but this episode has some of the worst moments in the season (Jayce/Mel sex scene, Imagine Dragons).
  9. Happy Progress Day (S1.04) - Coming after a time jump, this episode spends a lot of time reestablishing where every character is.
  10. Welcome To The Playground (S1.01) - A confident first episode but it's also very much the "prologue" of the series.

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