
Monday, August 9, 2021

Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Season 2)

After the really solid Season 1, Brooklyn Nine-Nine was primed for a second season that would be a massive improvement on the first to really take the show into greatness. In reality, we ended up just getting more of the same, which isn't a bad thing, but it is a bit of a letdown.

Similarly to last season, there are many overarching storylines in B99's second season. The premiere ties up the loose ends from Charges And Specs pretty neatly as Jake returns from going undercover, Gina and Charles don't end up together, and Amy addresses Jake's confession. After that, the main throughline this season is Holt's rivalry with Madeleine Wuntch, who is now the Deputy Commissioner. She and Holt butt heads many times throughout the season, culminating in a really strong final two episodes. Meanwhile, Amy and Jake's will-they-won't-they relationship is at its strongest this season, with them ending up together in the finale after both having failed relationships earlier on. I actually really like that Brooklyn Nine-Nine didn't draw them out, as Amy and Jake's relationship becomes infinitely more interesting once they start dating, but that's for next season. None of the other storylines are quite as compelling as those central two, particularly that of Rosa's new boyfriend Marcus who I found to be pretty dull.

A big problem I noticed with this season is that it seemed to put Jake through the ringer way too much. Between his relationship issues, money issues, parental issues, a brief suspension that wasn't even his fault, and even getting a serious injury all in the course of a single season, by the last few episodes, I was practically begging the show to leave the poor guy alone. The worst part is that none of this was really played for laughs, and it left me feeling a bit more soured on this season compared to the much more lighthearted first one. B99 has always been a bit shaky whenever it delved into drama, though, so this isn't the only season to have a problem like this. Thankfully, in terms of its humor, Season 2 is still incredibly sharply-written and well-acted. Running gags from Season 1 return to great result, and you can tell that the series is starting to allow itself to experiment a bit more with episodes like Stakeout, Windbreaker City, and Beach House. As a result, between the poorly-executed Jake drama and some of the funniest episodes yet, this season feels far more uneven than the last one, with higher high points and lower low points.

Despite all of my concerns, Season 2 does have some of the show's best episodes yet:

The Jimmy Jab Games: "Office Olympics" was a pretty iconic episode of The Office, as it let the cast just goof off and partake in some fun office sports. This episode has a similar premise, but it's so much more manic and hilarious as the office sports feel more weird and police-station-specific (running around in bomb suits can't be done anywhere else). Add in a Wuntch subplot and some fun material for Hitchcock and you get a generally pretty well-rounded episode. 

Beach House: This episode feels like a classic to me, as it's a fairly lax episode entirely focused on the characters hanging out at a beach house. Holt being a bit of a party pooper was a cute (and hilariously awkward at times) storyline, and the running gag about how many drinks Amy has is still one of my favorites of the series.

Windbreaker City: Windbreaker City is a sequel to Tactical Village, another really fun action-focused paintball episode. Precinct 99 facing off against the rest of DHS was a ton of fun and led to some great shootouts. I also really enjoyed the subplot where we learn Holt and Gina somehow have the same IQ.

Johnny And Dora: While B99's finales are a bit hit or miss for me, this was one of my absolute favorites of the show, probably because it's so character-driven. Jake and Amy finally get together in a satisfying and realistic manner, Holt losing to Wuntch and having to leave the precinct was a surprising twist, and the big cliffhanger of who the new captain is left me screaming at the screen.

Overall, Season 2 is pretty much equal to the first in terms of its quality. While the central storylines and experimental episodes are fantastic, the season does struggle with some poorly-handled drama when it comes to its main character. 

3/5 Stars

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