
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Parks And Rec (Season 4)

At this point in the show's history, Parks And Recreation has really started to hit its stride, and Season 4 managed to be just as good as its predecessor, if not moreso in some aspects.

Parks And Rec's fourth season is centered around a storyline about Leslie running for city council, making the whole season essentially an election arc. At first, the election doesn't have much importance outside of forcing Leslie and Ben to break up, but halfway through the season, Leslie's campaign managers leave on her and she has to recruit the Parks & Rec department to help run the campaign. At this point, the season gets really good, as we have episodes based on making an ad, composing a jingle, winning over voters, and going on a tour. I love the fact that, despite this being a simple city council campaign, it's played as if it's the US presidency election because that's how important it is for Leslie. We also meet Leslie's main opponent Bobby Newport, played by Paul Rudd. He's absolutely hilarious in every single scene he appears in, and I'm honestly kind of sad he was only relegated to this season. I think some can complain that the election takes over too much of the season, but personally, I adored this arc. It was funny, compelling, and satisfying, and it managed to include some excellent political humor.

As for the other characters, I already mentioned Leslie's relationship with Ben which is finally solidified halfway through the season. The first few episodes do a great job of continuing from the Season 3 finale, with the hilarious Entertainment 720 storyline setting the stage for many of Tom's entrepreneurial ventures in later seasons, and the long-awaited appearance of Tammy I more than living up to the hype. The only storyline I didn't love from this season was Ann and Tom dating throughout the second half, but it's funny enough that I don't hate it too much. Generally, this season is just really funny and well-written. I don't think it's as funny as Season 3 overall, but it's still a lot of fun. I also think this is the season where Parks And Rec's positive spirit really takes over, even compared to the previous seasons. Most episodes have some sort of incredibly heartwarming and genuine moment, even when things get rough for Leslie, and the season finale where she wins the election is easily one of the most triumphant moments in the series.

There are a lot of top-notch episodes in Season 4, but these are the highlights:

Ron And Tammys: After all this time, we finally meet Ron's first ex-wife, and it was more than worth it. Tammy I is hilariously terrifying, and the big jug-drinking competition at the end of the episode is both intense and leads to one of Ron's most badass moments. I also really like the subplot where Ben is walking through Entertainment 720 and realizes how poorly run it is.

Pawnee Rangers: Yeah, sure, the main plotline about the Pawnee Rangers is a funny and well-written showcase of Leslie and Ron's dynamic, Ben crying in a Batman suit is so sad and bizarre that it circles around to funny, and we get the first taste of how happy Jerry's family is, but we all know why this episode is so iconic: Treat Yo Self Day!

End Of The World: This is an underrated and heartwarming episode with a cute premise. Pawnee's big cult claims that today is the end of the world, and while everyone in the department knows that's not the case, they decide to treat it as if it was. Tom holds a big final party and reunites with Lucy, Leslie and Ben make amends, and Andy tries to complete his bucket list. It's such a sincere episode, I can't help but love it.

The Trial Of Leslie Knope: The big turning point for the season, Leslie's political career is in danger after she came clean about her relationship with Ben. Despite the high stakes, this episode was just so much fun. The jokes are great, I love how it brought back old characters, and the final scene where Ben and Leslie confess their love for each other is incredibly sweet.

The Comeback Kid: Easily one of the show's funniest episodes, Leslie tries to relaunch her campaign only for everything to go completely wrong. The iconic hockey rink scene is so entertaining, the sheer amount of chaos that ensues leaves me in tears from laughing every single time, it's easily the funniest sequence in the whole show. But even aside from that, we also get depressed Ben which is the point that I really started to warm up to the character.

Operation Ann: Parks And Rec's Valentine's Day episodes were always somewhat hit or miss, but this was easily the best of the bunch. The big scavenger hunt was the perfect blend of funny and sweet that I love so much about the series, and while I'm not the biggest fan of the storyline, I won't deny that the reveal of Ann and Tom going on a date is a pretty impressive one.

The Debate: This is my favorite episode of Parks And Rec, it's pretty much perfect in every single way. The titular debate is absolutely hysterical, packed with quotable lines and funny political humor, but what makes this episode even better is the fact that we get to see what happens behind the scenes, from Andy holding a viewing party to Chris and Tom talking to reporters. Every single member of the cast has something to do, and it all culminates in an incredibly satisfying and heartwarming final speech from Leslie. 

Win, Lose, Or Draw: Once again, Parks And Rec absolutely kills the season finale. It continues to impress me how every character has their own individual subplot, yet the half-hour episode still manages to hit all of its emotional beats. As I mentioned before, Leslie winning the election is an amazing moment, but there are so many exciting setups for Season 5, from Andy trying to be a police officer, to Ben leaving to DC.

Overall, Season 4 is another excellent season for Parks And Rec, packed with great episodes and sweet character moments. The election arc manages to be compelling, funny, and incredibly heartwarming, serving as probably the peak of the series.

5/5 Stars

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