
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Seinfeld (Season 8)

Usually when the main showrunner or writer leaves, it marks the point at which the show begins to decline (Community, Frasier). However, Seinfeld didn't actually have that issue. As a matter of fact, despite Larry David's absence, Season 8 is my favorite season of the show.

After the slightly overwhelming wedding arc, Season 8 doesn't really have a story arc. The closest thing would be George dealing with the fallout of Susan's death, pretty much experiencing a conga line of embarrassment throughout the course of the season. You'd think this would be depressing or repetitive, but let's face it, this is George. From being forced to start a foundation in Susan's name to being fired from the Yankees to breaking his leg, George's series of unfortunate mishaps managed to be hilarious throughout the season. With the exception of that plot thread, however, most of Season 8 was standalone episodes, meaning that its quality pretty much depended on its humor. Thankfully, Season 8 is easily one of the funniest seasons of the show. It takes a more absurdist turn compared to the Larry David seasons, while still blending it with the social commentary that Seinfeld is well-known for, resulting in iconic episodes like The Yada Yada and The English Patient. I think this formula works pretty much perfectly for Seinfeld, allowing for some of the show's funniest episodes.

Just like Season 7, Seinfeld's eighth season manages to maintain an exceptional level of quality from start to finish. Looking back through the season, the only episode I didn't love was The Susie, and even that wasn't all that bad. Pretty much every single episode here was solid, packed with great jokes and funny character moments. The only thing that I really feel is missing here is Seinfeld's edge. Larry David took so many gutsy risks throughout his run that were pretty much non-existent here. When you compare Season 8 to its predecessors, it really does feel more like an average sitcom than its own thing. And while there were a ton of great episodes, none of them really reached the heights of the show's best. However, I think the sheer quality on show manages to make up for this issue. As mentioned before, Season 8 is one of the funniest seasons in Seinfeld. So many of the jokes managed to land for me, and the writers still managed to coin a ton of iconic terms such as "man-hands" and "yada yada". 

There were a ton of really strong episodes in Season 8, but my favorites include:

The Bizarro Jerry: This episode was just a ton of fun. I love the concept of a show's cast meeting their dopplegangers (HIMYM made a whole storyline out of it), and it was really funny to see Jerry go crazy over Elaine dating is a bizarre version of him. The scene where Jerry, George, and Kramer meet their bizarre counterparts is one of the most striking and memorable scenes in the show.

The Little Kicks: Coming right after The Bizarro Jerry is another really funny episode which has Jerry accidentally master the art of movie bootlegs. The whole concept is hilarious, but the way it ties together with the other storylines is even better. George trying and failing to bootleg is amazing, but it's Elaine accidentally recording her dance over the bootleg which is even better!

The Chicken Roaster: Kramer's storyline over fighting with a Kenny Rogers Roasters restaurant is easily the highlight of this episode, especially when Kramer and Jerry switch apartments and suddenly take on each other's mannerisms. Michael Richards and Seinfeld absolutely kill it with their performances here, making for one of the show's funniest episodes.

The Abstinence: I thought it was really funny to see George become a better and smarter person by not having sex, but it was once again Kramer's storyline that really shines. Kramer's storyline about trying to sue a tobacco company is great, and probably has Jackie Chiles' funniest appearance in the show. 

The English Patient: This episode isn't anything amazing or anything, but it has easily one of the most timeless premises in the whole show. Elaine doesn't like a movie that everyone else loves, I'm sure every single person has experienced something like this. I know I definitely feel that way about Infinity War. Because of this episode, my family and I tend to use "The English Patient" as shorthand for a movie that's a box office success that everyone's gonna forget about eventually.

The Yada Yada: I mean, this is a genuinely funny episode on its own merits, but nothing holds a candle to the iconic "yada yada" subplot. I'm not gonna lie, this might be one of the most influential TV episodes ever made. "Yada yada" was a phrase I heard ever since I was born. Who knew that it was coined by a sitcom only a few years prior?

The Muffin Tops/Summer Of George: I like how most of this season depicted George's decline after his few years of relative success. The end of the season nails it by having George fired from the Yankees, then having the worst summer ever, and I love the parody of that hospital scene from last season where the gang doesn't even seem to care about George breaking his leg. It was a memorable way to poke fun at those who thought that episode "went too far".

Overall, Season 8 is my favorite season of the bunch. It may be a bit bizarre and lacking in bite, but it's just too funny to hate. Pretty much every episode here is solid at least, and the best episodes are some of the funniest in the show.

5/5 Stars

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