Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom Prelude

I haven't kept it much of a secret that I think Tears Of The Kingdom burnt me hard. It's not something I've ever talked about much in depth here beyond the occasional mention, and there's a reason for that. I don't really trust myself to write a full review about TotK that doesn't devolve into mad rambling, it really is that bad. I at least had respect for the game at first, but then Aonuma had that interview where he claimed that people only liked the more linear pre-BotW entries out of nostalgia and it pretty much killed any remaining sympathy I had left to give it. Frankly, that interview almost killed my love for the franchise entirely, it made me finally understand what the Sticker Star haters were getting at. It wasn't until just a few weeks ago when I actually considered getting Echoes Of Wisdom, after seeing some footage that did actually make me hopeful for the game. I was still worried that I'd get burned again, or that even if it was good, I'd be supporting a direction for the Zelda series that I wasn't fully okay with. However, I had that same exact worry with the TTYD remake and it ended up being one of my most positive experiences of the year, so who knows?

But before I talk about my thoughts on Echoes Of Wisdom, I need to actually talk about why Tears Of The Kingdom fell so flat for me, and I'll keep it brisk because I really don't want to ramble. I don't deny that TotK has some really great moments and ideas (Great Sky Island, most of the bosses, the Lightning Temple, the fuse mechanic), but I think my biggest issue with it on a mechanical level is the repurposing of the overworld from Breath Of The Wild. BotW is a game that took me about 100 hours to fully get the most of, it's a real commitment of a game, so hopping back into Hyrule and realizing I was going to need to do pretty much all of it again, from activating the towers to completing all the shrines, already killed so much of my motivation to keep playing. There is a fair amount of new content, for sure, but they're spaced out between large stretches of dead air and stuff I've already done. This also hampers the exploration which is the element that makes Zelda such a great series to me. I love the sense of going on an adventure and exploring every inch of a Zelda game's world, but if I'm already familiar with every inch of the world, what is there to even explore? The three sky islands in the entire game? The flat, drab, and empty depths that are just an inverted version of the Hyrule map anyway? The dozens of copy-paste caves with nothing new after the first few? The 50+ empty Shrines?

The immersive sim elements of Tears Of The Kingdom, on the other hand, are something I'm a lot more mixed on. As someone with experience in game design myself, I fully recognize just how impressive the Ultrahand mechanic is on a technical level. The fact that the physics work as well as they do is just straight-up revolutionary. But is it a fun mechanic in practice? Ehhhhh, not really. This is your main means of traversal, but having to stop and build something every time you want to go somewhere screws up the pacing so badly compared to the first entry. BotW had so many great, simple mobility options like Cryonis, Stasis, and Revali's Gale, but now they're pretty much all replaced having to slowly build a contraption to do what you could previously have done at the push of a button. This tedium then breeds exploitation, people quickly discovered that you can build an overpowered air bike that lets you fly over the entire map with zero consequences. You can even smuggle it into shrines and dungeons to break their puzzles as well, completely removing any difficulty or engagement within the game, so now you have the opposite problem. Having the freedom to do whatever you want is great, but compared to its predecessor, Tears Of The Kingdom doesn't feel balanced around its freedom whatsoever. Its few limitations are arbitrarily placed, and yet, it never stops you from cheesing its puzzles in the least fun ways possible.

I get the sense that Nintendo spent most of Tears Of The Kingdom's development refining the Ultrahand mechanic, only to remember that they also needed to build a game around it because it's also incredibly lacking in cohesion, especially compared to both Breath Of The Wild and its sister sequel Majora's Mask. Breath Of The Wild had a naturalistic overworld and a consistently melancholic tone, with a simple but effective story about reminiscing about the past. It all clicked together incredibly well. Majora's Mask repurposed assets from Ocarina in a uniquely haunting fashion that heightened the emotional impact of its preecessor while also being a fresh new Zelda adventure with new environments, atmosphere, and themes. Tears Of The Kingdom, on the other hand, mars that overworld with sloppily placed sky rocks scattered everywhere, in turn making it feel more artifical. It uses the flashback structure of BotW, but with a more linear narrative so experiencing it at your own pace feels a lot less satisfying. And while Majora's Mask feels like it built on Ocarina, TotK tosses away pretty much all of the intricate worldbuilding of its own predecessor to introduce an entirely new set of lore. It's everything a sequel shouldn't be.

By nature, some of these issues automatically do not apply to Echoes Of Wisdom. It does not repurpose a massive open world, and by virtue of being a 2D game, it's a lot tighter and more condensed despite still being open. It doesn't have the baggage of being a sequel, nor does it have six years worth of expectations weighing it down. And the new Echo system, despite having similarities to the Ultrahand, already seems a lot more simple than having to slowly assemble a huge contraption. But as I said, Tears Of The Kingdom burnt me hard, and it was in a way that no other Zelda game ever had. I like pretty much every other Zelda game, it was the first one to show me that Zelda games could let me down. So naturally, I was quite wary about Echoes Of Wisdom. But I did also want to go in with an open mind, and to give the game credit, the more I saw of it, the more genuinely excited I got. I'll be starting with Echoes Of Wisdom tomorrow, and my proper review of the game will come out in a bit, along with a Dungeon Reviews on its dungeons. I really hope it's good.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Sonic Genesis Level Rankings

I've played the Genesis era Sonic games a lot by now, including CD. Enough that I have quite a lot of thoughts on which levels I like and which levels I don't. So, I'm going to review every major act in Sonic 1, 2, CD, 3, and Knuckles and then rank them at the bottom:

Smallville (Season 5)

Hey, it's the "Good sex, bad Lex" season!

Okay, in all seriousness, Season 5 kickstarted a new era for Smallville. Where Seasons 1-4 are a supernatural teen drama set in high school, and Seasons 8-10 apparently blossom into a full-on superhero show, Seasons 5-7 seem to straddle the line between the two which leads to it being the most divisive stretch of the show. And just from Season 5, yeah, I can see why. This season is kind of a lot, but I'll be damned if it wasn't super entertaining.

The first twelve episodes of Season 5 are generally pretty great, aside from the unfortunate double whammy of Thirst and Exposed, two of the show's worst one-offs to date. It feels like the writers really wanted to push the show forward, so we ended up getting a lot of payoffs to stuff that the whole show was building up to. Clark actually tries to have a stable relationship with Lana for a bit, and it almost manages to work. Lex and Clark have a really massive blowout and finally end their friendship pretty much permanently. Braniac shows up as played by Spike from Buffy and has a surprisingly engaging arc where he coerces Clark to free Zod. Multiple other superheroes like Aquaman, Cyborg, and a weird Batman proxy start showing up. And of course, there's the incredibly engaging plot where Clark loses his powers and gains them back at the cost of someone else dying, revealing in the 100th episode to be Jonathan. Season 5 moves through these plot points at a fast pace, making for a really unpredictable and thrilling experience for most of its first half.

If the season kept up this momentum throughout, I'd easily be willing to call it my favorite season so far, but sadly, the second half of Season 5 does lose a bit of steam. We do get some good episodes after Reckoning, but nothing really tops the Milton Fine or election arcs in terms of pure excitement, at least not until the finale. It also doesn't help that Season 5's worst episodes tend to be some of the worst episodes of the show so far. I already mentioned Thirst, the almost comically cheesy Buffy parody, and Exposed, the one where Lois does a pole dance, but there's also episodes like Tomb and Fragile that really don't stack up to the rest of the season. Even the finale felt a bit weaker and messier than previous seasons, with the neat premise of Zod's arrival mixed in with a chaotic apocalypse plot that gave way too many Angel Season 4 vibes than I would've wanted (I'm still traumatized by that season, huh?).


Arrival: Kicking off the incredible three-episode arc that starts off Season 5, Arrival stands out as one of the more focused season premieres alongside Exile, mostly based around Clark running around Smallville trying to help everyone recover from the second meteor shower, only to lose his powers for not returning to train at the Fortress Of Solitude. I especially liked seeing Chloe reveal she knows about Clark's abilities, their friendship this season was really great and wholesome.

Hidden: Meanwhile, Hidden ends off the arc with a bang. Clark gets shot, pretty much dies, gets resurrected and regains his abilities at the cost of someone close to him dying soon. As usual, I like the storylines of crazed meteor freak haters, and the threat of a missile launch destroying Smallville elevated the stakes to quite high levels.

Solitude: I really liked the Milton Fine plot and wish he was around more this season, the morally grey mentor role he took with Clark was quite cool. Solitude was a strong ending to his storyline, at least until his reappearance by the end of the season. You got a cool fight between him and Clark, the reveal that the Kryptonians are trying to resurrect Zod, and a close scare where Martha almost ends up being the one who dies.

Reckoning: Reckoning is arguably the most iconic episode of Smallville, and it's not hard to see why. This is an absolutely crushing 100th episode that gives you everything you thought you wanted before ripping it all away. Clark tells Lana about his powers and they get engaged in a genuinely sweet sequence, Season 5 really did sell me more on their relationship than the last few seasons combined, but of course, it couldn't last. Clark telling Lana about his abilities led to her death, so instead, Clark and Lana break up, and Jonathan ends up being the one who dies, and just after winning the election too.

Overall, Season 5 was probably my favorite season so far in terms of my viewing experience. Its fast pace, constant massive shifts to the status quo, and several standout arcs made for a really fun time. However, it just couldn't keep up that momentum to beat out Season 3 overall. Its low points were low, and its second half was a noticeable dip in quality, but as a whole, I still found this to be quite the enjoyable season of Smallville.

4/5 Stars

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Mega Man World Reviews

Despite having written extensively about the Mega Man series at this point, I have rarely talked about the Game Boy entries in the series, also known as Mega Man World. I have played these games, and I have a lot of to say about them, but I just never got around to properly reviewing them. And since I've been revisiting Mega Man games to review them in more depth, I thought this was as good a time as any. I won't be doing a full deep dive this time since most of them borrow bosses and stage concepts from the NES games, but I'll try to be as comprehensive as I can regardless.

Mega Man: Dr Wily's Revenge

So, the first four Mega Man World games are basically handheld conversions of two Mega Man games, so Dr Wily's Revenge primarily borrows from Mega Man 1 & 2. However, unlike its sequels, Dr Wily's Revenge feels less like a strict conversion and more like a weird reinterpretation. It takes a lot more liberties with the source material which I think helps it stand out quite well.

For its first half, I'd say Dr Wily's Revenge is actually a pretty damn solid Mega Man game, especially considering it's the first entry in the series made by Minakuchi Engineering, who'd become mainstay developers for the rest of the World games. The level design for the four Robot Master stages is surprisingly solid, each focused on fleshing out and combining a few gameplay mechanics. However, these stages aren't just slightly altered versions of the ones from MM1, they're all kind of entirely new. Cut Man's stage for example takes place in a factory this time with conveyor belts and spinning sawblades, while Ice Man's stage has falling icicles and melting ice blocks to hop across. Even the music feels new, taking the main melodies of the original MM1 soundtrack and taking them in a new direction. You can tell Minakuchi was using the experience Capcom gained through making Mega Man 1-3 to help make this game, and there's even a fair amount of QoL improvements. Fire Man's AI has been fixed, the Magnet Beam has been removed, and the Thunder Beam has less weapon ammo so it's not as broken. In general, I think Dr Wily's Revenge does a really good job at making better use of MM1's weapons, like how there are a lot more Sniper Joes to use the Ice Slasher on, and how the game tosses in MM2's bird enemies to give Fire Storm's shield capabilities more of a use. 

However, even with all this positivity, there are a few niggling issues early on. The physics feel somewhat floaty compared to the tight control of the NES games. It's nothing awful, but it is noticeable. There's also a fair amount of do-or-die segments with an abundance of insta-kill pits, and I found that enemies deal a surprising amount of damage. And while screen crunch isn't an issue most of the time, certain bosses do feel a bit harder due to the lack of space to avoid their attacks. But despite these gripes, I think Dr Wily's Revenge has a strong first half. Sadly, the level design starts to fall off a bit with the brutal Wily stages, particularly the first one which has several trial-and-error drops with little time to react due to the screen size, a tediously long hallway filled with those Metal Man drills stopping you every step of the way, and awful Big Eye placement. This stage also has a boss rush where you fight bosses from MM2 and even get their weapons, which is a fun twist that I'd say is way better than fighting the same bosses again. However, it does feel lacking since later World games would replace this boss rush with a second stage select. I also found that most of the MM2 weapons feel quite shafted compared to the MM1 weapons, with the exception of the Atomic Fire which gets blocks it can easily destroy at a full charge.

That being said, I think Dr Wily's Revenge still manages to end on a reasonably strong note. Enker is introduced as the first of the Mega Man Killers, and he's probably still my favorite. His main attack pattern revolves around him sucking in your buster shots and shooting them back at you, which adds a nice level of risk and reward. Will you damage him quickly in exchange for having to fend against more powerful attacks, or take it slow so he can't harm you as much? The second Wily stage, while quite lengthy, is also quite a bit more fun and does a good job at taking advantage of most of your weapons, including Enker's weapon, a Mirror Shield that can block projectiles. The final boss even makes fantastic use of the Mirror Shield, requiring you to react fast to block Wily's lasers. So overall, I think Dr Wily's Revenge is alright. Its willingness to take liberties and change things from Mega Man 1 helps it stand out among the World games, and dare I say, it even manages to make improvements in some areas. However, the difficulty spikes pretty hard in the Wily Castle and its short length and lack of polish compared to several of its successors leave it as a fairly mid-tier entry in the series.

3/5 Stars

Mega Man II

Mega Man II is the most interesting game in the World subseries, being the only one not developed by Minakuchi. Instead, this game was outsourced to Japan System House, a company that was a lot less familiar with Mega Man and had a lot less time to work on the game. And it shows in its unpolished presentation and infamously botched soundtrack, which makes it an easy target for fans and Capcom developers alike. However, I never hated Mega Man II. In fact, I always thought the game had some serious potential, especially its soundtrack which was entirely composed of original tunes rather than remixes. So when I found out that the game was getting a mod with a complete visual overhaul including GBC color support along with a remixed soundtrack that fixes the original's technical issues, I just knew I had to give this game another shot. Will it be enough to redeem one of the most hated games in the series?

First off, let's get the mod's improvements out of the way. Mega Man World II GBC Edition primarily focuses on overhauling the graphics and music, the gameplay has been left almost entirely untouched so I can still judge the game by those merits. As far as colorizations go, Mega Man World II is incredibly thorough, perfectly capturing the color schemes of the original NES versions of each of the stages, adding much more shading and texture compared to the monochrome Game Boy version, and even fixing some visual bugs and inconsistencies. The music is easily the star of the show, though. The original soundtrack had some really strong compositions but suffered from a rendering error making the entire OST super high pitched. This redone version of the soundtrack manages to fully realize its potential, and you can even switch to the original OST if you're just that crazy. As for the OST itself, it's got some really catchy tunes like Crash Man and Metal Man, and I love the melancholic aura it has. My one big issue in terms of composition is just how leitmotif-heavy it is, which isn't inherently bad but feels really strange compared to the other Mega Man games. But overall, this mod is really great and fixes most of my issues with the game's presentation. But how's the gameplay?

Mega Man II's movement is mostly on par with that of Dr Wily's Revenge. I think it actually feels a tad tighter but I can't really say for sure. Being partially based on Mega Man 3, this game introduces both Rush and the slide, which is pretty great. That being said, Rush being based on his MM3 version means that he is once again a gargantuan game-breaker, and the slide while still fun can't be jumped out of. If you choose to slide, you're gonna have to commit. This isn't the only game to have this issue (just wait for my MM6 review), but with less screen real estate, it feels like more of an issue here. There are also certain animations that feel a bit awkward, projectiles in particular often feel like they're just floating through the air weightlessly. Speaking of projectiles, the weapon roster is sadly a big step down from the previous game. The weapons are left mostly untouched from the NES originals rather than being properly built around the game, and since one of those weapons just happens to be the Metal Blade... Yeah, say goodbye to good weapon balancing. Thankfully, the game generally lacks the resource management issue that its counterpart had... but as I'll talk about later, that is a real double-edged sword.

The level design in Mega Man II is a bit strange. You can tell Japan System House were trying to play things a bit safer here, there are barely any original level mechanics like there were in the previous game. Hell, I'd even argue many of MMII's stages kinda just feel like the NES versions ripped verbatim with certain assets shrunken to fit the Game Boy, which I think helps create that uncanny valley feel a lot of people have with the game. That being said, due to the addition of the slide, the game does toss in a fair amount of original slide-centric platforming setpieces and they tend to be some of the strongest parts of the game. Metal Man for example has a brief bit where you have to slide around while dodging shots from Mets you can't reach which was actually really fun. In general, I think MMII is at its best when it's combining elements from 2 and 3, like how Wood Man's stage gets a neat Rush Marine shortcut. However, while the level design is rarely ever bad, it's rarely ever remarkable either. I wouldn't say Mega Man II is an especially easy game like many fans say, but it's definitely lacking for challenge between the abundance of E-Tanks, the Metal Blade, the Rush Jet, and the slide. For some, it's this low difficulty that kills the game, but honestly, I'd rather take a bad Mega Man game that's too easy over a bad Mega Man game that's too hard because I can at least enjoy an easy game without wanting to pull my hair out.

As I alluded to earlier, Mega Man II's best addition is how it expands on the boss rush formula of the previous game. Once again, you get to face off against four bosses from Mega Man 3, but instead of only fighting the bosses, you have to go through their stages as well. So now you also have four recreations of Mega Man 3 stages, and they're pretty much the same. Mostly unremarkable handheld conversions with a few neat tweaks every once in a while, like how you can use the Leaf Shield against the bees in Hard Man's stage now, or how Needle Man expands upon that one ceiling spikes room from the original. The Top Spin seems to be a lot less buggy too, though it's also a lot less game-breaking. However, one weird thing is that weapon energy isn't refilled after beating each MM3 stage? The game floods you with resources so it's no big deal but... why? Once you beat the "boss rush", Mega Man II starts to get really interesting.

Mega Man II introduces the second and worst Mega Man Killer, Quint, who's a doppelganger of Mega Man with sunglasses. That's a cool idea in concept, but his fight is comically pitiful. His weapon of choice is a jackhammer called Sakugarne which he uses by... drilling in place and jumping occassionally. You can take Quint out in seconds, and he barely even tries to attack you, what a loser. Thankfully, the actual final level is probably the best part about Mega Man II, a Dali-inspired time station with clocks everywhere and a hodgepodge of hazards from previous stages. Apparently this game had a story about time travel, but aside from this final level, it's sadly rarely ever explored. The final boss isn't great, though, it's a three-phase fight whose weakness is the Sakugarne, a poor weapon with barely any ammo that's so close-range that you're bound to take multiple hits while using it.

I believe Japan System House had the potential to make a genuinely great Mega Man game for the Game Boy. There are some legitimate signs of brilliance here. The original soundtrack has some stellar compositions, the time travel concept is really cool and shows its potential in the fun final stage, and some of Mega Man 3's new mechanics like the slide and Rush Marine get explored much more thoroughly here. If Japan System House had the time to take more risks, develop their original ideas, and not rely on the source material so much, I think Mega Man II could've been really good. But as it is now, Mega Man II is less bad and more mediocre. Most of my big issues with it are the deliberate level design and severe lack of polish, but it never outright frustrated me like some of my other least favorite Mega Man games, and it's nowhere near as unplayable as something like X7.

2.5/5 Stars

Mega Man III

Mega Man III is probably the biggest reason why I'm so generous towards II. I kept saying that I'd rather a game be too easy than too hard, and III is easily the biggest example as to why. And it's a real shame too because Mega Man III does make a ton of improvements over the previous two games, with Minakuchi even returning. It looks so much nicer and more detailed, and it sounds way nicer too. The music isn't quite as original as in the previous two entries, but the remixes sound pretty great and far less tinny than many of the earlier Game Boy games. Mega Man's movement is the best it's ever been in the World games, and they added the Charge Shot to really put it in line with the later NES games. The level design feels a lot more derivative than the levels in Wily's Revenge once again, but at least the ones based on MM3 are pretty solid conversions, and the bosses in particular hold up quite well, even if some can feel a bit more cramped on such a smaller screen. On the surface, Mega Man III seems pretty great, but it starts to really fall apart once you hold it up to scrutiny.

Right when you start playing MMIII, something feels off. It took me a bit to put my finger on it, but then it really hit me, why are these enemies taking so long to defeat? Early on, Capcom often struggled to figure out how to balance the Charge Shot properly, and III is very much a product of that time, it even uses the dinky looking shot from MM4. While the NES games made the Charge Shot so powerful that it was able to easily one-shot every enemy, I feel like III instead went the route of beefing up the enemy health-bars, and this kills the pacing in a series usually known for fantastic pacing. Mega Man has never been a series where you slow down to take on every tanky enemy you come across, it has this flow to it where if you keep perfectly lining up your shots, you don't stop moving. But in III, sometimes a single Charge Shot isn't even enough for some of these foes, and don't even think of trying to use the standard buster, or even the weapons! Despite having some good options like the Shadow Blade and Drill Bomb, the weapons in this game feel so nerfed that they're just not worth using compared to the Charge Shot, in case you thought Mega Man 5 was bad. Couple this with the game's tendency to fill rooms with enemies and you get a game that often feels tedious and overwhelming to play, it's like every enemy is a miniboss! It's especially uncanny in the levels based on Mega Man 3, a game that didn't have the Buster Shot so all the enemy health values feel completely borked.

And then there's the level design. As I mentioned, I think the levels for the Mega Man 3 stages are fine enough. They do feel pretty watered-down in places and can have some iffy bits, but generally manage to capture the appeal of the original stages. They also introduced the Blizzard Man bomb hazards before MM6 even came out, somehow? Snake Man's stage, one of my favorites in the original MM3, is a good example of how these earlier stages are. The visual design in the MMIII version is on par with the NES version and many of the memorable setpieces have been translated quite well, but this version also removes the cloud-hopping bit, repeats the same room designs a bunch, and occasionally tosses a weirdly wide jump at you. They don't ruin these stages, but the cracks are starting to show. Even the intermission stage at Wily's Castle is fine, if really short, and the boss fight against a Giant Suzy is admittedly really funny. But then, you get to the Mega Man 4 stages, and it just all falls apart.

First off, they picked the worst stages in the original game. Dive Man? Skull Man? Seriously?! But more importantly, this is where all of the tiny issues that the previous stages had really become common issues. Ultra-wide jumps, tanky enemies in awkward positions, frustrating gimmicks, lengthy level runtimes with poor checkpoint placement, sheer claustrophobia, janky hitboxes, MMIII's second half has pretty much every issue in the book. Drill Man's stage now has those boulders explode into often unavoidable shrapnel, Skull Man's stage while the best of the bunch still has you deal with enemies and ricocheting projectiles in tight hallways, and those are the better ones. I'd actually say Dive Man's stage looks better than the original as it now takes place inside a submarine, but unfortunately all that good will is quickly lost once it starts asking you to make absurdly precise jumps underwater around spikes (and of course, there's no Rush Marine this time). And then there's Dust Man's stage. Oh, there is a special place in hell for Dust Man's stage in this game. Several pixel perfect jumps, Up N Downs everywhere, Jumbigs in the worst spots possible, horrible checkpoint placement (right before the dust crusher part so you have to do that again every time you die), and a five-block spike pit that's so ungodly difficult to get around that it's better to just damage boost through it. This might actually be the worst Classic Mega Man stage, either that or Dive Man's stage.

And in case you think things couldn't get even worse, then there's the Wily Castle. Well, okay, credit where it's due, I like the new Mega Man Killer, Punk. He's got a cool design, a cool theme, a pretty fun fight, and his weapon is the only one that actually feels useful. But excluding that, this final stage blows. Among the many highlights include lots of Up N Downs, fighting a beefy enemy on one of those collapsing platforms from MM3, a blackout section with spikes, a dust crusher with spikes, long jumps under low ceilings, the return of the Drill Man boulders, more annoying Jumbig placement, and a boss rematch in the middle. It's not as bad as Dust Man's stage, maybe not even Dive Man's stage either, but it's a grueling finale to an already difficult game. At least the final boss is pretty easy, if a bit annoying since its projectiles can block yours.

I've been asked a few times why I have such fondness for X6 and not Mega Man & Bass, and ultimately, it's because the bad design in X6 feels like it's counterbalanced by how utterly broken the player is. That game has some of the most overpowered weapons in the series, cheat codes that give you Ultimate Armors right off the bat, upgrades that are shared between X and Zero, it doesn't redeem the game but makes X6 enjoyable for me despite its many issues. And hell, even & Bass has its fair share of powerful weapons and upgrades. But Mega Man III is a far more limiting experience. There often aren't any ways out of an especially tough segment, the weapons are often useless, the Rush Jet is hidden behind Dust Man's stage, and as I mentioned, the Rush Marine isn't even in this one. You have to beat these stages the way the developers intended, regardless of how unfun, frustrating, tedious, or unfair it is. I'm able to defend games like Shadow The Hedgehog and Mega Man X6 because I think there's still fun to be had in their bad design elements, but like with X7, I find it hard to find the fun in III. The poor level design and balancing issues are just so oppressive, especially in the latter half, that it pretty much kills any of the goodwill I had towards the game's better elements like the presentation. Despite being more polished than MMII, it's just not as fun for me.

2/5 Stars

Mega Man IV

Mega Man IV is such a massive jump in quality not just from III, but from all the Game Boy entries before it. With this game, it feels like Minakuchi has not only mastered the craft of making a good Mega Man game, but has developed the confidence to expand and iterate on the formula as well. This is still a game mostly comprised of returning stages, but they're fleshed-out, modified, and expanded upon far more compared to their NES counterparts. And Minakuchi even took the liberty of introducing some legitimately new additions to the series, some of which would even be carried over to the mainline entries. As a result, not only would I say that Mega Man IV is one of the better-made Mega Man games, but I'd easily take it over the actual Mega Man 4 any day of the week.

Mechanically, Mega Man IV continues to refine the fundamentals. Mega Man's movement in this game is pretty much perfect, you have full precision, and you can jump out of a slide unlike in MM6 which came out the same year. On top of that, enemy healthbars are back to normal, they are nowhere near as tanky as they were in III. The Charge Shot is now more like the one in MM5, and the Beat Letters are here as well, though they are a bit different. The letters in the first four stages unlock Beat, and the letters in the second four stages are mandatory to open the Wily Castle, but either way, it's still the game encouraging you to explore. And as mentioned, a decent amount of new stuff was added. The Charge Shot now has a recoil which didn't really affect the gameplay much for me, but it's a cute little addition that encourages you to be a bit more careful while using it. There's also a new collectible called the P-chips which can be used in a shop to buy refill tanks and a few other upgrades like the returning Energy Balancer, which I love because it encourages you to explore levels more. And you can tell Capcom liked it too because from MM7 onward, we'd have shop systems exactly like this in the mainline games. Finally, if you die a lot, you can even get an upgraded Mega Buster, making this the first Mega Man game with some sort of Easy Mode. In general, this is some of the best core Mega Man gameplay to date.

The level design is where Mega Man IV really shines, and you can tell this almost immediately. Each Robot Master stage in IV takes the concept of a stage from MM4 or MM5, but it proceeds to really flesh them out. Let's run through the initial four MM4 stages as an example, which funnily enough mostly ranked among my favorites in the original game. Toad Man's stage in 4 had a jarringly tough first exterior room, but Toad Man's stage in IV has a more gradual difficulty curve, alternates between interior sewer areas and exterior rain areas to keep things varied, and fleshes out the waterfall mechanic more by having them drop on you unsuspectingly. Bright Man's stage, in a stroke of genius, carries over the light switches from Drill Man's stage and has you actively choose to turn them off to make platforms appear. Pharaoh Man's stage sadly removed the cool balloon platforms, but it adds some neat puzzles around sliding across falling rocks and is way longer than the original version. And Ring Man's stage just fixed the minibosses because the rest of it was already perfect. It really feels like Minakuchi looked at the original stages and made a conscious effort to improve and expand on them.

That being said, I do have some small gripes. First off, the slowdown is definitely the worst it's been in one of these Game Boy entries so far. I'm not really surprised, this game pushes the hell out of the hardware, but it is a bit of a shame. It's also a shame that, despite how vastly improved the levels are, the bosses and weapons are left mostly unchanged (except for the Ring Boomerang being able to pick stuff up which is very cool). This is a problem because Mega Man 4's bosses (Toad Man) and Mega Man 5's weapons (Power Stone) are both pretty bad, so both the boss roster and the weapon lineup end up pretty lopsided in this one. And finally, while Mega Man IV certainly has some great music especially some of the original tracks, a decent chunk of the remixes like those for Pharaoh Man and Ring Man just sound like slowed-down versions of the originals for some strange reason. None of these issues are nearly as glaring as the problems the previous games had though, they're basically nitpicks by comparison.

Like the previous games, Mega Man IV has an intermission and it's easily the coolest one so far. You get a sick cutscene of Mega Man shooting at a giant Wily cannon, followed by a boss fight against said cannon, and then your first encounter with this game's Mega Man Killer, Ballade. This is the first time you meet one of those guys before the final castle, and it really helps to drum up anticipation. The music during both the intermission and Wily Castle are completely original and they're absolutely fantastic too. The succeeding MM5 stages step things up over the MM4 ones, as it seems Minakuchi borrowed stages they knew needed a bit more work rather than the fan favorites like Gravity, Star, or Wave Man. These stages are far more open than most Mega Man stages have ever been, full of fun side rooms to discover, and repurpose existing mechanics in increasingly clever ways, from using shielded enemies as platforms to slide on, to using Rain Flush to extinguish fires. They even tossed in a bunch of chase sequences that weren't in the original, and I'm not complaining, they're very fun and frantic. The high point is definitely Napalm Man, which is rightful praised as a massive improvement over the fairly unremarkable original and one of the best classic Mega Man stages period.

The final stretch of Mega Man IV keeps up the quality as well. Like the previous final stage, we have the Mega Man Killer fight followed by a long final stage. Ballade's second fight is as great as the last one, and it even ends with yet another fun chase sequence, but it's that lengthy final gauntlet that really steals the show. A fantastic test of all your abilities with multiple fun boss fights scattered throughout and stellar music to boot, though unlike III's final stage, it's also incredibly fair. The only downgrade is the fact that we now have a proper boss rush again, how sad. At least they were generous enough to give you a huge energy refill afterwards. Thankfully, the final boss more than makes up for this. It's a genuinely tough three-phase fight against a giant Wily robot, basically doing what Mega Man 3's final boss should've done. Mega Man IV ends with one last fantastic cutscene, where a broken Ballade sacrifices himself to help Mega Man escape the exploding station. It's not like some heartwrenching tearjerker or anything, but it's a surprisingly somber moment in a series that has been quite light on story so far. 

Overall, Mega Man IV is genuinely fantastic. I'd even rank as one of the better Classic Mega Man games overall, even above games like 6 and 11. From a level design perspective, it has some of the most expansive, engaging, and fully-realized stages in the entire series, along with a stellar final stretch that just feels like the icing on the cake. While it is held back a bit too much by having to take from previous games in the series, Mega Man IV makes the most with what it's given and stands out as one of the most overlooked entries in the entire franchise.

4/5 Stars

Mega Man V

And here we are, the game that this entire subseries was building up to. Minakuchi took everything they've learned from their previous work and got to make their first original Mega Man project, and it's easily their magnum opus. Mega Man V isn't only the best Mega Man World entry, it ranks among my favorite Classic Mega Man games, right up there with 5, 7, and 9. It's bold, creative, consistently fun, and pushes the hardware to its absolute limits.

On a story level, Mega Man V isn't quite as strong as its predecessor. Nothing really hits on the same level as Ballade's arc, but it makes up for that by being incredibly epic and large in scale. The game starts with Earth being invaded by a group of Stardroids, with their leader Terra being impossible for Mega Man to defeat in his current state, a very cool twist as Mega Man never lost to a villain like this before. So Dr Light gives Mega Man a bunch of upgrades and sends him off into space to save the planet. If you think this premise sounds somewhat familiar, that's because it is! The Mega Man goes to space plotline was already done in Mega Man 3, but infamously, the game's rushed development prevented it from actually exploring this premise. So seeing Mega Man V actually run with the space theming, having each Stardroid stage be set on one of the other Milky Way bodies (not saying planet since Pluto was included here), and even having sequences where Mega Man gets to use Rush as a spaceship is really refreshing.

Speaking of refreshing, Mega Man V actually makes a bunch of interesting mechanical changes that are exclusive to this game. The biggest change is that the Mega Buster has been replaced with the Mega Arm. It functions mostly the same way, but instead of shooting a big charge shot, Mega Man shoots out a rocket fist that returns to him. It may seem a bit weird at first, but it's surprisingly versatile when you get used to it. Since it basically functions as a boomerang, you can finagle your Mega Arm to hit enemies on the way back or at an angle. On top of that, MMV expands on the shop from the previous game by letting you actually buy upgrades for the Mega Arm which allows it to cling onto and repeatedly grab enemies, and retrieve powerups like the Ring Boomerang could in IV. It all adds up to making the Mega Arm a genuine upgrade on the Buster and it kinda kills me it never returned. On the other hand, MMV also adds in a new pet named Tango who you can use to aggressively attack enemies. Despite how much I love his design though, I found Tango pretty useless, to the point where I pretty much forgot he existed by the second half of the game. Still, I appreciate the attempt, and it's a shame Tango never showed up again.

The level design is definitely the standout here, as being able to have original level themes allowed Minakuchi to really go wild with the settings here. Mercury's stage is a factory with conveyor belts and falling blocks to dodge, Neptune's stage has you fight across the roof of a ship before going inside, Uranus's stage is a pyramid with a ton of booby traps and shifting platforms, Pluto's stage has you dodge falling girders while working your way through a construction site, Jupiter's stage brings back the low gravity from Star Man's stage in MM5, and Saturn's stage has you contend with a bunch of gravity fields of varying intensity. The Stardroid stages are all fantastic, not a single weak one in the bunch. While the first half of stages are fairly linear and straight-forward, the second half brings back the explorative elements that helped IV stand out, with secret areas hidden behind special weapon use and hidden crystals that will unlock an upgrade that decreases your special weapon consumption. I will say I think this is a bit of a tougher game than IV overall, but it still manages to be pretty fair and isn't anywhere near as bad as Wily's Revenge or III. 

The bosses are also quite solid too, with the highlights as far as the Stardroids go being Pluto, who feels almost like a proto-Slash Man, and Uranus, who shifts around the arena's terrain to try and squash you. I especially like how the bosses are designed to be countered by their weaknesses. Jupiter has a jetpack and can fly around, so of course, you'll use the vertical Bubble Bomb. Venus jumps when you shoot, so you should use the Photon Missile since it has a delay before it zooms forward. It reminds me a lot of Mega Man 9's approach to boss design, how you can figure out what they're weak to just by watching how they fight. The intermission segment probably has the best boss fight out of the World series too, being a fun Yellow Devil encounter that can actually be hit multiple times in a single cycle if you're fast enough so it doesn't drag on as long as other fights of its kind.

Sadly, as good as the bosses are, the weapons are pretty weak, one of the weaker lineups along with 5 and 10 for me. There are a few standouts, siphoning pickups from Grab Buster is satisfying despite its unassuming presentation, Electric Shock is a decent short range option, and Proton Missile is a solid reinterpretation of the Hard Knuckle. And as usual, the weapon you get from this game's Mega Man Killer, Terra, is very good, a fast homing laser that can hit multiple times with a single ammo use. However, there's also a lot of duds here. Bubble Bomb is basically the Bubble Lead but it floats upwards and actually landing a hit with it is tough. Salt Water is just Crystal Eye again and it takes way too much ammo for how little damage it does. Break Dash is like the Charge Kick and while the addition of i-frames is a plus, it takes too long to charge. And the Deep Digger is just the Super Arm which automatically renders it fairly situational. Like with its console counterpart, I think Mega Man V's weak weapon lineup is the one thing that truly holds it back.

The final act is also a bit of a mixed bag, though that's mostly because IV's ending was so strong. The level design of the Wily Star falls into the same issue that Mega Man 6's castle stages had where there's so many split paths that it feels like you're skipping a lot of the challenges, and as mentioned, nothing really hits as hard as Ballade's sacrifice in terms of storytelling. However, where Mega Man V's finale shines is in the bosses and setpieces. Before you even enter the Wily-looking Death Star, you get a full-on shmup section with Rush that ends on an impressive zoomed-out fight against the giant base itself. The main stage is peppered with rematches with all the Mega Man Killers that really makes this game feel like the finale of the series, and they even managed to make Quint's fight somewhat challenging this time? Like, he actually jumps around and shoots rubble at you. And then there's the final boss. As usual, you fight Dr Wily in a giant mech and it's as solid a fight as ever, but then, Dr Wily wakes up a powerful robot named Sunstar who proceeds to betray Wily and take over as the final boss. This is a rare case where Dr Wily isn't the final boss, but ironically enough, Sunstar ended up being my favorite Classic Mega Man final boss period. This dude is fast, he's got a ton of different attacks, blows up the floor from underneath you occassionally, has a rocking boss theme, and boasts an impressive three phases. It's a fantastic way to end off the series.

And speaking of the music, it's really good too. Not among the absolute best the franchise has to offer, but it's definitely my favorite out of the Mega Man World soundtracks, going for a somewhat somber tone while still packing in a lot of catchy Mega Man-sounding tunes. And as I mentioned, Sunstar's boss theme is a soaring highlight as far as the Game Boy goes, it's an incredibly fast-paced and rocking track that pushes the console's sound capabilities as far as they will go. Overall, Mega Man V is awesome. It's a strong ending to this strange little subseries of Classic Mega Man, bringing together all the best aspects of the previous entries while adding in a ton of new ideas of its own that could've pushed the series forward. From how the fresh space premise informs the incredibly inventive level design, to the fascinating new mechanics like the Mega Arm, to the epic finale filled with exciting boss encounters both old and new, Mega Man V easily deserves a spot among the best games in the franchise.

5/5 Stars

Friday, September 20, 2024

Mega Man X: A Deep Dive

Well, we've finally made it to the big one. Mega Man X is, frankly, almost a perfect game. The level design is so meticulous throughout that it's been analyzed time and time again, more than any other Mega Man game by a longshot. It evolves the series' formula in so many cool ways, both mechanically and in terms of aesthetics, and comes with a killer rock soundtrack to boot. It's hard to figure what new I can lend to the discussion, but I'll try my best.

THAT Opening Stage

- Mega Man X kicks off with the first opening stage in the series, and I love opening stages in Mega Man. They're always better than just immediately jumping into the stage select because they can balance between being solid tutorials, exciting setpieces, and story set-up at the same time.

- X1's opening stage in particular has been analyzed to no end, but it really is that good. It's both an exhilirating spectacle with dynamic level design like falling chunks of highway, a great tutorial that secretly teaches you all of Mega Man X's mechanics, and has some great story set-up where you get beaten by Vile only for Zero to save you and say you can become just as powerful as him once you reach your full power. It's simple but it's really effective motivation to go after upgrades and get boss weapons.

- So far, the only real mechanical improvement to the Mega Man formula so far is the addition of a wall jump, which is very much welcome. Visually though, the unique Star Wars inspired dark future aesthetic really helps X stand out from the Classic games.

- My only gripe with the opening stage is, of course, the fact that you don't have the dash yet. Every other X game after this starts with you having a dash, but X1 makes you get it as an upgrade, and the game just feels slower and less fun for as long as you don't have your dash move.

Playing The Item Game

- One of my favorite additions the Mega Man X games make to the formula is the collectible hunting. Yes, Mega Man 4-6 all added some exploration for items, but most of those items could be gotten in a single run through a level with little effort. X, on the other hand, not only has a lot more upgrades to find (16 in total), but many of them are locked behind use of an ability or beating a certain other level first.

- This adds another thing to consider when picking out your boss order. Not only is there still a weakness chain, but you're also encouraged to break out of the weakness chain to limit the amount of backtracking you have to do for items. When executed well, this structure can lend the X games a much higher skill ceiling.

- As far as X1 goes, I think the item game here is mostly really good. There's a solid amount of genuinely cool skips like that infamous Heart Tank in Boomer Kuwanger's stage, but there's also one noticeable issue. As I mentioned, the dash is locked behind a weapon upgrade in Chill Penguin's stage, and you need the dash, both for landing larger jumps and general enjoyment. This means that no matter what, you must start with Chill Penguin. No other starter level is valid, and that removes a decent amount of strategy from this first entry.

Chill Penguin

- Chill Penguin's stage is obviously meant to be the first Robot Master stage you play so it's pretty simple overall. The first half is made to be played without the dash so it's pretty straight-forward.

- The second half is where things get a bit more interesting. Once you get the leg upgrade, you're given a bit of space to mess around with the dash, and it's a fun movement option. Jumping carries your momentum, so you can do dash jumps to get some serious speed and distance. My one gripe with dashing in X1 is that you can't hold down the dash button to do a dash wall jump, you need to time a button press. Thankfully, this is another thing that gets fixed in X2.

- Soon after, you get a brief segment to mess around with the Ride Armor, a mech suit that you use occassionally throughout the games. I like the Ride Armor, they tend to offer a nice power trip and I like how punchy it feels to use in combat. 

- The last stretch of the stage is a short climb up a hill dodging snowballs, once again showing how dynamic X's level design can be.

- The boss fight against Chill Penguin is built around the X Buster so he is pretty easy. Using a Charge Shot on him can make him flinch and interrupt his attacks, but those attacks are quite varied and fun, from sliding around the room, to blocking your shots with ice sculptures, to causing a storm.

- As usual, you also get weapons from the bosses. The Shotgun Ice is like a weird blend of the Blizzard Attack from 6 and the Crystal Eye from 5, a single shot that splits into a shotgun-like burst when it hits an enemy. It's a solid offensive option that can be really versatile with the right set up, definitely an iconic MMX weapon for a reason.

Launch Octopus

- I'm going with the minimal backtracking route this time which means I'll be having to face MMX's biggest difficulty spike pretty early. Launch Octopus and his stage is tough and very combat-focused, but it's especially tough when all you have is the X-Buster and a single part upgrade.

- Launch Octopus is the obligatory water stage, and it sadly feels more like Dive Man than Bubble Man. There are spikes to avoid but they're all placed along the bottom of the screen so you never have to watch how high you jump.

- Furthering the Mega Man 4 comparisons, this stage has a whopping four minibosses, though one is only optional. These minibosses aren't quite as annoying as the one in Ring Man's stage, but they have pretty beefy health bars that can make them take a while to defeat.

- However, I do really like those fishes that you can blow apart from the inside, that's a legitimately very cool combat interaction.

- The big saving grace of Launch Octopus's stage is the secret area. Midway through the stage, you can blow up a boat and have it crash down and reveal a path. Inside this path is a secret minboss fight against a sea dragon and a hidden Heart Tank. One of my favorite things about Mega Man X are the way the secrets are hidden, and this entire optional area is one of my favorites for how satisfying it feels to discover.

- Launch Octopus as a boss is one of the tougher ones in the game for how much projectiles he tosses at you, but he's quite fun when fought Buster only. You need to constantly be swapping between using singular Buster shots to take down his projectiles, and charging up a big blast to deal some actual damage, it's good stuff.

- The Homing Torpedo is another solid weapon. It's just as you'd expect, a homing missile weapon, but you get a decent amount of ammo and it's AI is fairly reliable.

Sting Chameleon

- Sting Chameleon is easily the most underrated stage in the game. No one talks about it, but it really has everything you'd want from a good Mega Man X level.

- Right from the get-go, you see the leaves rustle as X spawns in, immediately showing off just how good this game's attention to detail is. Even further, this is the first real showcase of Mega Man X's environmental shifts mechanic. Sometimes defeating a Maverick will affect another stage, so defeating Launch Octopus will flood Sting Chameleon's stage allowing you to get a Heart Tank more easily.

- Speaking of collectibles, this stage also has another secret area hiding a miniboss. It's not as cool as the one in Launch Octopus's stage, but it's still neat, and it hides away the Body Upgrade. The body upgrade in X1 just gives you better defense which is a nice upgrade, but still pretty unremarkable. In general, I think the later games tend to have cooler armors.

- The second half of Sting Chameleon's stage is a bit more setpiece-heavy. There's a neat cave section with falling rocks I believe you can use the fairly underused Helmet upgrade to help you avoid, and yet another pretty fun Ride Armor section.

- Sadly, I don't love the fight against Sting Chameleon. It's not bad, but his constant teleporting, defense against the X-Buster, and the fact that he often spawns high up makes defeating him without his weakness feel like a bit of a chore.

- His weapon, the Chameleon Sting, is also pretty underwhelming. It's a standard spread shot, but I never really found any reason to use it over the other weapons. Though, I think it's now worth mentioning that MMX is also the first game where you can swap weapons on the fly with the L and R buttons, thank goodness. Every Mega Man game should have this from now on.

Storm Eagle

- Storm Eagle is one of the most iconic MMX stages and for very good reason. It's got a really cool airport setting, more collectibles than most stages, and a nice balance between wide open areas and linear gauntlets.

- In general, this is a more platforming-focused stage than most, primarily based around hopping across moving platforms. It's a nice change of pace from the more combat-focused fare like Chill Penguin and Launch Octopus's stages.

- I really like how getting the Helmet upgrade is handled too. There's a bunch of these fuel tanks that hide items (like the Helmet upgrade) that you can blow up immediately with Flame Mammoth's weapon, but you can also still blow them up manually with the Buster. It's a great example of how Mega Man X's item game can be really fun to figure out.

- Sadly, the upgrade itself is pretty lame. The Helmet can be used to break very specific kinds of blocks that you'll rarely find across the game, and it can block certain objects from falling onto X. It's very situational and thus very underused, easily one of the lamest upgrades in a MMX game.

- This stage also tackles the boss door in a unique way. Instead of simply entering a room with the boss in it, you instead board Storm Eagle's ship and fight him on his turf, it's very cool.

- And the Storm Eagle fight is... fine. He has a decent amount of attacks, but he tends to overuse the move where he dives at you which makes for a pretty static fight.

- Thankfully, his weapon is one of my favorites. The Storm Tornado is absurdly powerful and can shred through enemies with little effort.

Flame Mammoth

- Flame Mammoth's stage is almost really good. It's a factory stage with conveyor belts, crushers, and lava pits to avoid falling into... but there is a big problem. So, defeating Chill Penguin will cause this stage to freeze over and the lava pits will turn into ice. The problem is, of course, why wouldn't you do Chill Penguin before any other stage? So most players would never actually experience Flame Mammoth's stage in its intended difficulty, only ever its nerfed state.

- There are still some neat bits though. I like the wide open area that houses multiple collectibles, and the aforementioned conveyor belts are still fun to navigate even without any danger of falling.

- But most of all, this stage has the best upgrade in the game. Actually getting it requires a somewhat awkward jump and the single use of the Helmet upgrade, but your reward is the Arms upgrade. This not only gives you a third level to your Charge Shot, but it allows you to charge up all your special weapons. This is such a cool game-changer that really surprised me upon first playing MMX, but it also elevates the game in some unintended ways. The boss rush has always been a pretty hated segment of any Mega Man game, but the ones in the X games tend to be the least bad for me since there's bound to be a few bosses you haven't tried the supercharged version of your special weapons on.

- So let's quickly run through the charged-up version of the weapons I've seen so far. Storm Tornado gets an even more powerful vertical tornado attack that I find very useful for boss fights, Shotgun Ice lets you create a sliding platform that's a bit situational but very useful for getting a specific Heart Tank, Chameleon Sting makes you invincible for a bit which is insanely helpful especially for boss fights, and Homing Torpedo just turns into a spread shot which is a bit lame. But so far, most of these charged shots are a real hit.

- Flame Mammoth's fight is pretty solid too. Having to deal with not getting stunned by Flame Mammoth's leaps, and the conveyor belt, and the oil spills, and his flame shots makes for a really dynamic fight Buster only, even if his tanky health does make it drag out a bit.

- Fire Wave is another good weapon. It's a basic flamethrower, but you can use it while moving which feels really nice, and the charged version is a decently powerful floor attack. I think it's interesting how most of the weapons in the X games feel a bit more grounded than the ones in the Classic games. They're less wacky, more derivative of actual weapons.

- This also marks the only necessary backtrack in X1, which is to return to Chill Penguin's stage and use the Fire Wave to destroy an igloo.

Boomer Kuwanger

- Boomer Kuwanger is another highlight of a stage for me, being almost entirely vertical. The vertical Mega Man X stages tend to be pretty fun since dash wall jumping up a tight shaft usually has a really nice flow to it. But beyond just the basic game feel, this stage crams in so many cool visuals and memorable setpieces across its run.

- The progression of climbing up the tower conveyed through the visuals is already really cool. The bottom floor is dingy and brown, the middle section is a striking bright red, and the very top of the tower is a cool blue. I also love how Boomer Kuwanger's boss room is its own area hanging off the side of the tower.

- Design wise, there's also a lot to love. The first section is a fun and fast-paced stealth section where you have to dash around lasers to avoid getting shot at, then there's a frantic elevator ride where you're constantly dodging spikes, and then you get to climb up the outside of the tower.

- And then, of course, there's the infamous Heart Tank. Its placement is simple, it's perched right up onto a leg, anyone can see it. But it's getting to that ledge that's the question. The intended solution is to beat Boomer Kuwanger, get his weapon, and use it to snag the Heart from behind a wall but who'd want to play the same level twice? So you could also beat Chill Penguin and get the Arms upgrade, use the supercharged Shotgun Ice to create a sliding platform, and jump off of it just as it flies off the ledge. But what if you wanted to get even crazier? Well, you could also just beat Chill Penguin, get the dash, and use a perfectly-timed precise wall jump to get onto the ledge without needing to use any of the weapons.

- The actual fight against Boomer Kuwanger is sadly not quite as special. He's pretty fast, but his only attacks being the boomerangs and a suplex move feels pretty lame compare to some of the crazier fights.

- His weapon, on the other hand, is quite solid. It's a standard boomerang that you can use to pick up items and upgrades, but its charged version is a super powerful borderline screen clear that feels really good to use.

Spark Mandrill

- Spark Mandrill's stage has my favorite of the environmental shifts, where defeating Storm Eagle first causes it to crash into the plant and take out all the electrical hazards. It's not only a cool visual, but you're likely to encounter both versions of the stage at some point since Storm Eagle can be defeated at pretty much any time.

- But as for the stage itself, it's fine. It's a blackout stage which isn't a trope I'm especially fond of, but the combat encounters throughout are generally pretty fun, especially with your full arsenal of weapons. Otherwise though, it's probably the stage I have the least to say about.

- The same applies to Spark Mandrill's fight. Obviously, it's known for how easily you can cheese it with his weakness, but when going Buster only, it's pretty fun and manageable. The fact that he can shake you off a wall adds a neat twist to the fight, and figuring out his pattern is quite satisfying.

- Electric Spark is a pretty basic electricity weapon on the surface, but the charged version is where the real appeal comes from, creating this electric field that runs across the screen. It's pretty powerful and feels very satisfying to use.

Armored Armadillo

- Saving the best for last, Armored Armadillo has my favorite Maverick stage in X1. It's incredibly fast-paced and all of its mechanics are designed with the intent of keeping the momentum going.

- The highlight is obviously the minecart bits. You don't even do much on them, but it's just so exhilarating to watch X barrel through enemies that I don't really care. I even love how much the game slows down in these bits, it really sells the excitement in this case.

- The other major mechanic are these bulldozer chases that actually test you on speedy platforming. The first chase has the bulldozer chase after you, while the second has you race to destroy the bulldozer before it erases your path to a Heart Tank.

- I should probably mention the Hadouken secret too. It's a really cool easter egg, but compared to some of the later secret upgrades, I find this one to be too tedious to get so I usually skip out on it. That being said, it's another way the X games manage to make the boss rushes feel a bit more breezy. If you're willing to get the Hadouken, you can one shot pretty much every boss rematch and that's really cool.

- The fight against Armored Armadillo is the one fight that I think most agree you need the weakness for. You need the Electric Spark to destroy his armor otherwise he'll be a pretty massive damage sponge, which is a pretty neat concept, but it means I need to break my own rule and use his weakness at least this once.

- The Rolling Shield is a pretty unassuming weapon as it just rolls along the ground, but it deals an impressive amount of damage on its own. However, its charged variation is just a shield. It can kill weak enemies which is cool but it's too similar to Chameleon Sting's invincibility to really stand out.

Sigma Stage

- More than in any other Mega Man game so far, the Sigma Stages in X1 really feel like a big difficulty spike and a worthy final challenge. Sigma Stage 1 in particular might just be the hardest stage in the game, containing a particularly brutal early sequence where you climb up moving platforms while dealing with enemies that home in on you, hallways with tons of respawning enemies, and the brutal Bosspider boss.

- I'm honestly not a huge fan of Sigma 1 for this reason, it tends to be the stage I dread the most. However, the one saving grace is that Zero's death is a really well-executed story beat, managing to do a lot with only a few bits of dialogue and simplistic animations. The actual fight against Vile on his own is really easy, but it's still a pretty effective moment all around.

- I also really like how the boss rush is executed here, with the boss rematches being scattered across the first three Sigma levels. I've always preferred this approach to the boss room and it's a shame only 1, X, and & Bass tried this.

- Another quality of life improvement of note is that X1 boots you back to the stage select between Sigma Stages so you don't have to conserve your weapon ammo across the entire gauntlet or do it in one sitting, thank goodness.

- Sigma Stage 2, as a sheer contrast, is easily one of my favorite levels in the game. It's got pretty much everything. Horizontal and vertical platforming, interior and exterior sections, the final Ride Armor sequence, and some incredibly climactic music.

- I also forgot how enjoyable I find Rangda Bangda as a boss. He's got a wide array of attacks, lining up the Chameleon Sting while not falling into the spikes is a solid challenge, and the fact that he has multiple weak points to destroy is a new change of pace for a Mega Man boss.

- Sigma Stage 3 is basically the dedicated boss rematch level, containing five of the eight Mavericks. It's solid, the hallways in between each boss fight is fun and I like how it tries to hint at you which boss in next. There's also a decent amount of pickups hidden behind abilities like the Boomerang Cutter and Chameleon Sting.

- The fortress boss here is D-Rex who's also a pretty engaging fight. You have to constantly be thinking about your position in relation to D-Rex's two segments, which can be pretty tough and overwhelming.

- Sigma Stage 4 is really just a vertical climb up to the final boss, but it sure is a great final boss. Probably the best in the series to date, even. The Velguarder fight is fast both in length and pace, but his attacks are simple enough to get to grips with. The lightsaber Sigma fight is the one I find the toughest because of how fast he moves combined with its large hitbox but it still feels fair, and the final phase is large-scale and purely skill-based as you can hang around on his hand and keep pelting him with Rolling Shields as long as you don't let yourself get zapped off.

- The game ends with X staring off a cliff reflecting on whether or not the war will end and why he has to fight. If you've played a lot of action games from this era, this should sound immensely familiar, but to give credit to Capcom, X's pacifism does end up becoming a pretty big aspect of his character later down the line (for better or worse).

Improvement Patch

- I think X1 is generally a really good game, but you can tell that I've been very critical about the way the Dash Boots were handled. Not only does having to collect them make the first 10 minutes of the game drag a bit, but it also means there's no strategy to picking your first stage, Flame Mammoth's stage will never be experienced as intended, and there's no way to beat the game with zero backtracks.

- Thankfully, one cool thing about being a Mega Man X fan is that almost every game in the series has some sort of improvement patch that fixes most of its glaring issues. So yes, there is a patch that fixes this issue. The Air Dash/Wall Jump QoL patch makes three major changes. First off, you start with the Dash Boots. Second, you get the Air Dash from the Leg upgrade in Chill Penguin's stage. And third, dash wall jumping works the way it does in X2 onward.

 - Honestly, this patch feels like the way Mega Man X was meant to be experienced. Starting with the ability to dash actually allows you to beat this game with zero backtracks, but the backtracking order is now a lot more complex than before. You'll actually have to beat Flame Mammoth's stage without it being frozen over, and damage boost through the lava to get its Heart Tank early. Doing the precise wall jump for that Heart Tank in Boomer Kuwanger's stage is a lot easier with the improved wall jump. You might even need to beat Launch Octopus as your first boss which is just the kind of absurd difficulty that makes these runs fun.

- If you want a new way to experience MMX, I highly recommend checking out this improvement patch, it's so good.


That being said, dash boots gripe aside, Mega Man X is a nearly perfect game. It takes advantage of the newer hardware compared to the NES games and adds so many cool new mechanics and extra bits of detail to really help it feel like a next gen Mega Man game. From the complex item game, to the chargable weapons, to the addition of the dash and wall jump, to the way levels can affect each other through environmental hazards, to the way your own weapons can individually impact certain bosses and areas.

On top of that, the level design is just super dynamic and well-paced throughout, the boss fights are generally fun, the story is simple but effective, and the soundtrack absolutely rocks. It's an extremely replayable game from start to finish and stands out as one of the crowning achievements of the Mega Man franchise.

Sunday, September 15, 2024


It's been said that Miyamoto was shown Plok and was seriously impressed by it, to the point that he reportedly showed interesting in publishing it. It's even been said that he ranked it right up there with Mario and Sonic as one of the best platformers of the time, which really surprised me considering how divisive Plok is nowadays. Whenever I hear anyone talk about Plok, all I hear about is either the typically incredible Follin OST or the game's crushing difficulty, so I can't help but wonder, what could have Miyamoto seen in Plok?

Plok has a pretty unique structure for a platformer, but it's a structure that I mostly think works for the game. The main premise is that Plok's flag was stolen so he goes over to the neighboring Cotton Island to chase after it. After getting the flag back, he goes home only to find that a swarm of fleas took over all of his other flags, so he travels across his island of Akrillic, fights off the fleas, and dives into the fleapit to take the battle to them. Simply put, it's basically a revenge thriller with Plok playing the role of a John Wick or a Sisu, and I find that absolutely hysterical. You get to see Plok's thoughts between each level and it always gives me a laugh to see him working himself up over his flags being stolen, it really makes for a uniquely charming and offbeat protagonist that's easy to get behind. But from a gameplay standpoint, this twisty story allows for a game that never really settles. Each of Plok's four worlds has a completely different vibe to it befitting its place in the story. Cotton Island is a lighthearted tutorial, Akrillic has more puzzle-like level design and tasks you with taking out all the fleas in each level, Legacy Island is a short flashback world with a monochromatic look, and the Fleapit is a lengthy final gauntlet with a bleak atmosphere and strictly linear stages.

From a core game design standpoint, I think Plok is generally well-designed and shares a solid amount of elements that I think really would appeal to a big Nintendo guy like Miyamoto. Plok controls incredibly tightly and responsive, and having both a short hop and a big spin jump (which I suppose is quite reminiscent of Super Mario World) makes platforming feel really comfortable. The main hook of the game is that Plok can toss his limbs at enemies, at the cost of having less mobility until he's able to retrieve them. This is probably the most Nintendo-esque aspect of Plok, it's a strong central mechanic with a number of purposes that the game proceeds to flesh out across its campaign. It offers a satisfying way to defeat enemies, but you can't spam or else you'll be left without any limbs for a bit. But it's not until Akrillic when Plok really comes into its own, as it introduces switches that take away once of your limbs. So now there's puzzles revolving around hitting switches, and being left with a somewhat gimped moveset until you can retrieve them. I think the levels in Akrillic are the high point of Plok for this reason, they really utilize your moveset to create some engaging bits of puzzle/action/platforming, with each level tossing a new idea at you and fully exploring it. With these gameplay elements in a vacuum, I can see why Plok could've have gotten Miyamoto's attention.

However, keep in mind that I said in a vacuum. Because while parts of Plok definitely show some brilliance, the final product doesn't really come together in the most elegant fashion. Those cool limb puzzles I mentioned? They only show up in Akrilic, as in just one out of the four worlds. Cotton and Legacy Island are incredibly short and basic, and the Fleapit has you learn to pilot eight completely different vehicles rather than actually be tested on the skills you've learned throughout the game. So in terms of quality, only about a third of Plok is around the 8-9 range, and the rest is around a 6-7. And then there's the difficulty. The thing is, I don't even think Plok is especially hard on a level by level basis. There are a few moments of BS like whenever you have to dodge rolling objects and those stupid doors in Creepy Forest, but most of it is challenging but reasonable. However, when you add in the fact that you have a lives system, and that you can only have a single continue out at a time, and that dying without a continue sends you back about a third of the game, and that there isn't a save feature or even a password feature in what should be a two hour game assuming you don't die, and you get one of the most needlessly punishing video games I've seen for reasons that are completely preventable. What do Ploktinues actually lend to the game besides wasting your time? Why aren't there even passwords in a two-hour long platformer from 1993? I think Plok is a good game overall, but I can not in good faith recommend that you play it without, at the very least, savestates.

On the other hand, though, one area where Plok pretty much completely succeeds, and that's the presentation. Plok has this very colorful and flowery visual style that almost resembles a messier version of the Yoshi's Island artstyle, and it looks pretty great. The highlights are definitely the backgrounds though, which go for this really soft and pleasing watercolor look. And of course, the soundtrack by Tim and Geoff Follin is absolutely stellar. As a matter of fact, I think this might even be their best score period. Most of their work on the NES is known for a single really good track per game. Pictionary and Solstice have the title theme, Silver Surfer has the Stage 1 theme, but Plok has like half a dozen tracks on that level. From the way Cotton Island evolves from a generic bouncy first level theme to a full on rave, to the vibey Beach theme that almost tricked me into thinking it was CD quality at first, to the Hotline Miami-ass Boss theme, to the mystical and proggy Akrillic, to that heavenly drop in the Fleapit theme, Plok's soundtrack easily ranks among the best on the SNES.

Plok is probably the perfect example of a solid 7/10 game. It's a game that certainly had the potential to be something really special, and at times, I can see why someone would hold it up as a serious cult classic or even one of the SNES's best platformers. It has tight controls, an interesting multi-purpose main mechanic, a charmingly goofy story, pleasant visuals, a phenomenal soundtrack, and some really good level design in spots. However, the game also makes a few really preventable mistakes that stops it from elevating itself above that 7/10. The first and last thirds of Plok pale in comparison to the strong middle section in terms of level design, and the godawful continue system and lack of a save feature artificially increase the difficulty from standard retro tough to punishingly brutal. Still, I'm glad I gave Plok a chance because I did overall have a good time with this one, even if there are things I wish it did better.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Smallville (Season 4)

Well, I'm back to reviewing Smallville. I was out on vacation the last month and couldn't watch TV, but now that I'm back, I can finally get a resolution to that nasty Season 3 cliffhanger. From what I can tell, Season 4 is the end of the high school era of the series, chronicling Clark's senior year. Does it live up to the last three seasons of buildup? Well, mostly.

Season 4 is honestly a pretty polarizing season for me because it has a lot of high points and a fair amount of low points. Let's get the high points out of the way first. Lois Lane finally appears in Season 4 and she is almost immediately the best character of the show. Witty, funny, curious, fast-talking, has incredible chemistry with Clark, Erica Durance absolutely nails Lois right from the get-go and might even rival Margot Kidder as the best live-action version of the character. With Lois comes a generally much more light-hearted tone than last season, Season 4 has a generally much lighter, more energetic, and more comedic feel to it and I actually really enjoyed it. As much as I loved seeing Season 3 put everyone through the wringer, Season 4's comfy senior year vibes really helped it stand out as a fun watch throughout, and the goofier standalone episodes (Transferrence, Onyx) were actually some of the highlights this time. It's also a more sex-focused season which I guess makes sense since the characters are past 17, one episode in particular definitely feels like it's aping Buffy's iconic Surprise/Innocence two-parter. Chloe, as usual, was also a highlight as this season marked the point where she learned of Clark's true identity, and seeing her grapple with this new information made for some of the best dramatic material and character growth of the season.

However, where Season 4 falls flat is in its overarching plot. Season 4 primarily revolves around a pretty drab MacGuffin hunt for three Kryptonian stones. While it does lead to a pretty fantastic finale where they send Clark to the Fortress Of Solitude, the actual lead-up to this moment is miserable for a number of reasons. First off, this whole plot arc ties heavily into Lana getting possessed by a bunch of witches which not only is a level of supernatural completely out of Smallville's usual territory, but it's also just really dumb and screams of the writers trying to find something to do with her. Then, there's Lana's dull new boyfriend Jason who's also involved because his family is also looking for the stones, and honestly I couldn't be arsed to care about them either. The Lana/Jason stuff is such a blight on this season, it's all so boring and stupid and uninteresting, and I'm always tempted to skip to the characters I actually care about whenever they're on screen. I though Lana did get better in the last two seasons, but Season 3 was such a perfect sendoff from her that she feels entirely unwelcome this season. What does she even lend to the show anymore? Chloe and Lois are far more interesting and dynamic female leads who actually grow and mature over the course of this season, and all Lana really does this season is be an annoying drama magnet who, if anything, has regressed since last season in terms of her attitude.


Pariah: Any time Smallville deals with meteor freak discrimination usually leads to a pretty great episode. Pariah feels like a massive turning point in that regard with Alicia's death being a really crushing tragedy that showed off the worst of Smallville. She wanted a chance to just live her life and be with Clark, but the town rejected her and that can definitely hit close to home for people. 

Beyond that though, I adore Chloe's storyline in this episode. I really wasn't expecting her to just learn Clark's identity all of a sudden, but I was especially surprised by her reaction. Smallville totally could've went for the standard liar revealed trope where Chloe gets pissed at Clark, but she tackles things with a lot more maturity, using the opportunity to change her perception of meteor freaks as a whole and deciding to quietly support him until he trusts her enough to tell her. What amazing character development, Chloe rules.

Spirit: Spirit feels like a Season 2 episode of Buffy in the best way possible, it could totally rank among the likes of Halloween or Band Candy. The concept of a prom queen possessing the other characters is great, but what really elevates it is the fact that Smallville doesn't do the easy voice replacement that most body swap episodes go for. It actually goes the length and has its cast act like a prom queen so you end up getting some of the funniest performances from actors like Kristin Kreuk and Annette O'Toole in the whole show. Onyx and Transferrence are great, but this was my favorite gimmick episode of the season.

Commencement: This finale was absolutely nuts, even by the standards of Smallville finales so far. It honestly feels like they crammed an entire season's worth of plot in this single episode, for better or worse. Clark only just now learned he was supposed to get all the Stones, so the episode plays out like an incredibly tense episode of 24 where he races to unite them all before the meteors hit, all the while a timer is constantly shown ticking down. The pacing did feel quite rushed for this reason, but I still think it all came together in the end. We got to see at least a part of the graduation, Clark and Lana properly kissed again (thank god, I thought it was gonna be will-they-won't-they for three more seasons), and the ending even teased the Fortress Of Solitude. I liked that we got rid of the Isobel/Genevieve stuff within the first minute too, Lana's whole murder thing was the most interesting she's been all season. And as usual, there were a metric ton of cliffhangers. What happened to Lionel? Did Jason die? Did the Kents die? Where did Clark end up? What happened to Chloe and Lex in that cave? And what will be the fate of Smallville after yet another meteor shower?

Overall, Season 4 is a bit of a mixed bag for me. At its best, it's a far more consistently fun season than its predecessors, more comfortable in its own skin. The standalone episodes are better than ever, Lois adds a truly welcome jolt of life to the cast, and the finale ranks as the series' best to date. But it's dragged down hard by the weak Stones plotline and the dull characters it revolves around. I still found this season to be a more thoroughly enjoyable watch than the first two, but it doesn't come close to reaching the dramatic heights of Season 3.

3/5 Stars